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Third Person

Yeosang huffed out as he took his first step on the stage, walking towards the principal to take his certificate of recognition.

"Congratulations, Kang." The principal stretched his hand to give Yeosang a handshake, and the younger gladly took it. "First honor, isn't it? You have a bright future ahead of you." 

Yeosang smiled, feeling touched and assured with the elder's words. "Thank you, Mr. Kim."

The principal nodded as he wore the medal on the younger. Yeosang stood in front of the stage and bowed down in front of his fellow batchmates. Yeosang's parents stood beside him and took a picture together. 

"We're so proud of you, Sangie!" Mrs. Kang kissed her son's forehead, getting a bit too giddy at Yeosang's achievements. 

Yeosang chuckled, "Thanks, mom."

"Are you sure you really don't want to take over my company?" Mr. Kang asked with a hint of sadness. They have discussed this many times but Yeosang refused since it was not his passion. 

"Sorry, dad. I just really can't do it." Yeosang shook his head in refusal and felt guilty at the end, but would rather stay honest with himself.

Of course it would be great to have a heir but what's more important is Yeosang's happiness, and Mr. Kang wholeheartedly accepts that.

Mr. Kang leaned in to his wife's ear and whispered, "Time to make another baby, honey. It's not too late..."

Mrs. Kang did not look amused and slapped her husband's arm. Yeosang found it hilarious with his father's joke and his mother's bickering. 

The younger's eyes then set to the crowd and spotted Seonghwa kissing his mother's cheek before walking towards him. Yeosang couldn't help but ran to his husband and jump towards him, Seonghwa's reflexes were fast so he was able to catch the younger in his arms.

"Hey, love. Congratulations." 

Seonghwa leaned in to kiss those precious lips that he loved the most.

Even after almost three years, he could still make my heart flutter.

"Hehet, congratulations too." Yeosang blushed for some reason, maybe the way Seonghwa looks at him with love eyes.

Seonghwa ruffled Yeosang's newly dyed brown hair with blonde streaks. "My baby has an award, hmm?" His hands travelled down the Yeosang's bronze medal. "I knew you can do it."

"Hey..." Yeosang tried to suppress himself from smiling too hard, "I still have to do six to seven years to become a licensed doctor. Unlike you, you're already a CEO."

Two years ago, Yeosang had decided to change his course from Business Management to Medicine. The curse made him realize a lot of things about himself and he was yet to discover more. Yeosang overcame his fear of hospitals and it intrigues him a lot. He soon to realize he wanted to be a doctor than to take over his father's company.

Seonghwa, on the other hand, took his father's place as the CEO of his dad's company. It must be said that Seonghwa has been doing a great job as the CEO -- 'cause damn he's earning a lot for a young man like him. He was then able to sustain him and Yeosang without the help of their parents. They loved being independent at the moment.

"It doesn't matter. You're going to make it, love. I'm sure you'll be able to reach your dreams." 

Time flies so fast.

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