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Kang Yeosang

"Seonghwa, wait!"

Seonghwa's pace to the rooftop was fast that I couldn't even catch up to him. Panting as we arrived at the rooftop and since everyone is in their classes by now, no one's here on the rooftop but only us.

I can only see his back and his hands are inside his pockets. I was still gasping of air because of how far we went from the cafeteria.

"Seonghwa I--"

"Since when, Yeosang?!" He swiftly turned his back to face me with a dark glare.

I flinched at his sudden outburst, instinctively stepping backwards as if he's going to hurt me.

"I told you already. Jongho should be the one--"

"Answer me!" He yelled.

I played with my fingers, shuddering in fear. My head bowed down, not knowing what or how to answer him.

"I repeat, since when did you know that Lia was cheating on me?"

I took a deep breath, "S-Since the day Lia and I had that truck accident." I answered while stammering, "We were arguing about that hence why we had that accident. I tried telling her to tell you the truth but she didn't want to and insisted having an abortion so you wouldn't know."

"And you didn't even bother to tell me anything about this?" Seonghwa suddenly snapped.

"Because I'm not in the position to even tell you anything!" I argued.

"Then who is? Lia?" Seonghwa fired back, "How can she tell me when she's already dead?!"

"Jongho has the right to tell you because he's the one at fault!"

"You have the right to tell me because you're Lia's brother."

"And what? You're going to lash it out on Jongho?"

"Of course I will! He fucking betrayed me, goodness sake. Do you expect me to hug him and thank him for fucking my girlfriend?"

"No, Hwa. I don't want you to hurt Jongho. I want you to be calm--"

"How am I supposed to be calm about this when you guys literally hid it from me for a whole damn month?"

"There's a reason why we kept it from you."

"Then what was the reason?"

"If you only knew Jongho was so scared to even tell you everything. He wasn't ready because he thinks that you're going to beat him up like you did with Jaewon. The voicemail says it all! You can tell it from his voice that he's afraid to confront you about the issue. I hope you would understand that, Seonghwa."

"Then what about me, Yeosang? Don't you understand what I feel? My own soulmate cheated on me with my best friend." Seonghwa's voice cracked as the soulmate he was pertaining was Lia. "I'm so hurt right now. They betrayed me. You betrayed me!" He pointed, more of like harshly poked, at my chest which it slightly stings.

I placed my hand on my chest, feeling offended, "So it's my fault now?"

"Partly yes because you didn't tell me anything." He told me without eye contact.

I scoffed in disbelief, "I already told you that I am not in the place to tell you anything! It's just so wrong!"

"I don't fucking care what's right or wrong! The point here is that I needed to know the truth. You clearly knew that what they're doing was wrong yet you still side with Jongho. Don't you feel guilty at all?"

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