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Kang Yeosang

After two weeks of resting, I am now fully recovered from that accident. Although, it was still hard for me to fully move on from Lia's death. I was able to attend Lia's funeral after I got discharged from the hospital. I saw Seonghwa there but only for a short time. He was only there to give flowers because he couldn't handle seeing my sister inside the white coffin. I was the same, I couldn't help but broke down at the sight of my sister there inside the coffin and until now, I still couldn't believe that she's dead.

"Sweetie, are you sure you're going to be okay? Are you sure you're fine going to school today?" Mom asked while rubbing my back.

We are here inside our car and arrived school. I forced a smile and gave a subtle nod, "I'll be fine, Mom."

"Okay. If you don't feel good, don't hesitate to call us honey."

I just nodded, assuring them before leaving the car.

As I entered the entrance of the school, some of the students' eyes were on me. I felt uncomfortable again, so I ran faster to where my first class is located.

Entering the classroom, I felt deja vu again when people started to stare at me. I bit my own lip when I hear people whispering. My nerves started to creep up into my veins. My hands forming into a fist. I rapidly walked to my seat, trying to ignore their voices.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I glanced at the person to see Yunho with a sad expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Yeosang."

I nodded and gave him a small smile.

Few of my classmates walked up to me to say their condolences. Some asked what happened to us but I didn't answer them since it was too personal to me. I'm glad they understood and gave me space after.

I saw Seonghwa entering the classroom with an unbothered look on his face. He glanced at me for a few seconds before ignoring me again and walked to his respective seat.

I looked down, slightly feeling hurt at the way he looked at me. I know I shouldn't be affected since he also lost someone he loved, but it made me feel like he was mad at me for Lia's death.

I'm overthinking again.

I was greeted with a tight hug after leaving the classroom.

"Yeosang! You're back. Are you feeling good? Sorry I wasn't able to visit you lately." Wooyoung squeezes tighter and I just pat his back.

I nodded, "It's alright, Woo. I had a good amount of rest."

"That's good." Wooyoung pulled back and hooked his arm around mine, walking to the cafeteria.

When we took our seats, a group of girls stood there in front of us. I am familiar who they were, they are Lia's friends.

"Deepest condolences, Yeosang-oppa." The youngest, whom I remembered her name is Yuna, muttered with a bow, following the rest of her group.

I let out a sigh and nodded, murmuring a small "thank you."

Ryujin spoke, "We want to know the place where she was buried. We want to pay a visit since we couldn't attend her funeral." She timidly scratched her nape.

Chaeryeong nodded in agreement, "Seonghwa-oppa wouldn't tell us. He has been ignoring everyone lately, even his friends."

I furrowed my brows in confusion but grab a pen to write the address then hand it to them after. They bowed, muttering a thank you.

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