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Third Person

For the first time in Yeosang's life, he arrived late in class because of one stupid reason.

He overslept because of Seonghwa and his careless drunk actions last night.

So bad he wanted to kill the elder for not waking him up but he realized that the latter was having a major hangover which explains why he woke up later than his usual time. Yeosang can't blame him, the person to be blame was himself. 

"Sorry we're late." The blonde apologized to the professor after a marathon to the class. 

"Kang Yeosang and Park Seonghwa, I am very disappointed on you two."

Seonghwa rolled his eyes, "We are just ten minutes late."

"Still! Your tardiness is never an exception. Detention for the both of you. Go back to your seats." 

Seonghwa tsked while Yeosang's mouth was on the ground. The younger could not even protest because the professor continued with the discussion. Yeosang deflated and decided to walk back to his seat beside Yunho.

"You okay?" The taller asked when Yeosang took his seat.

The blonde nodded, "Yeah, just a little pissed. Did you went home safely?"

"Yeah. Mingi had a slight fever though so I'm a bit worried. But I'm sure he'll be fine soon. Did you take care of Seonghwa?"

"Mmhmm, he had a hangover and we kind of overslept that's why we're late."

"I see. Well I hope--"

"Jeong Yunho! Would you like to join Mr. Kang to detention later?"

The tall blonde hair with pink highlights flinched at the sound of his teacher scolding him. He shook his head vigorously, "No, ma'am."

"Then I suggest you should stay quiet and listen to the discussion, will you?" The teacher strictly pointed out before turning her gaze to the other blonde, "And Kang Yeosang, please answer the word problem."

Yeosang internally groaned, "Why is it always me?"

He turned his book to the page where the word problem was written. "Slope, y-intercept, and profit. Shit, I didn't review for this."


After what it felt like hours, their Maths class is done. Yeosang saw his best friend hanging out with his two friends from his other classes. Yeosang did not want to disturb the two, so he decided to go to the library to review for the next quiz.

The boy greeted the librarian and scanned his I.D. on some technical machine. He went to the shelves to see if there are any books that interest him. 

He spotted something on the fiction section. 

"'Soulmate's Revenge'?" He read the title of the book. He grabbed the book and searched for the date when it was published, "June 15, 1998."

Coincidentally. It's published on my birthday.  Yeosang thought before opening the book.

The first chapter intrigued him. It really felt like he could relate to the main character in this story and he could really see himself portraying the character...and weirdly, the plot of the story describes Yeosang's entire life right now.

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