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Third Person

The whole ride back to the house was awfully silent. None of them even said a word during the whole ride. Seonghwa was minding his business by driving their way back to their house and Yeosang, on the other hand, was deep in thoughts. The blonde had his head down while his fingers are fidgeting due to overthinking.

Mixture of emotions was all Yeosang had felt during the day. The new information seemed so vague and beyond the bounds of possibility. So many questions were unanswered and so many secrets had been divulged. And now, it has been revealed that he is Seonghwa's soulmate all along.

But the question is...why and how?

He wished to be in Lia's place. He wished to be the one marrying Seonghwa. He wished to be Seonghwa's soulmate.

And all of that had come true.

It seemed like life had been good to him because all his wishes had granted, but why is he regretting it now?

Was it because he lost his sister? Was it because he was involved in every drama and was dragged into Seonghwa's family matter? Was it because...he was too desperate to the point he made that wish on that one shooting star he saw before Lia's death?

Do I really deserve this?  Yeosang thought.

The younger glanced to his lover, whose expression was blank and eyes obviously focused on the road. He knew that Seonghwa wasn't in the mood to converse and so does he, not after telling the latter that the raven-haired wanted a divorce.

Will filing a divorce be able to fix everything?

Yeosang just scoffed internally. I don't think so.

Seonghwa finally looked at the blonde wearily, "You got something to say?"

Yeosang blinked thrice upon realizing that he had been staring at the older for some quite while. He cleared his throat before averting his gaze away from him.

"Will that really make you happy?"

"Which one?"

"The divorce." Yeosang nonchalantly mumbled.

Seonghwa abruptly pressed the brake of the car and good thing Yeosang had his seatbelt on which made the latter sigh in relief.

"Look, Yeosang. It's for the best. The curse is already broken and I don't want you to be a part of this mess. You're too good for me. Why would you spend the rest of your life with me when my life is already problematic?"

"So you're just going to ignore the fact that I'm your soulmate?" Yeosang crossed his arms as he was looking straight to the road, avoiding eye contact with Seonghwa.

"What do you want me to do? Kiss you?" Seonghwa jeered.

"No!" The younger fired back.

"My goodness, Yeosang. Why do you seem you're against the divorce?"

"Because I am. I don't want a divorce."

Seonghwa chortled dryly, "Well I do, and that is final."

"I am not signing it then."

Seonghwa scoffed in disbelief, "Are you out of your mind? I'm trying to get you out of this mess yet you still want to be with a person like me? Why would you stay?! Do you perhaps like me more than just a friend?"

"No! It's because I love--"


As much as Yeosang want to say it or rather shout it, the younger tried to restrain himself from telling the older on how he truly felt. He knew it would cause misunderstandings and conflicts if he choose to lose his sanity. So Yeosang just bit his bottom lip, trying to think of a possible cover up for his sentence.

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