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Third Person

Minji was watching the two from their window. Yeosang and Seonghwa were peacefully sleeping in their embraces. The grey-haired woman smiled wholeheartedly when she saw her nephew slowly changing himself for the younger male. It was an improvement but, they only have limited time left.

The woman sighed as she checked the time on the clock at was hanging on Seonghwa's bedroom wall. It read 12:15 a.m.

"May 20, 2018." Minji muttered under her breath, "Twenty-six more days to go."

She glanced back at the two sleeping figures. "I trust the process, and I hope for the best."

Minji looked at Yeosang, remembering that moment when she saved him from that accident...

---- Flashback  [the accident]

The grey-haired lady appeared at the scene from nowhere as she knew this was going to happen. Minji stood in front of the two lifeless bodies. She walked over to Yeosang's as she examined the blood pouring on the ground and scratches visible on his cheek.

The woman tilted her head to the side and kneeled down, taking a good look on younger male's body.

"Kang Yeosang. Park Seonghwa's true soulmate."

Minji can never understand how her nephew could be so dense and oblivious. Seonghwa was feeling things ever since the beginning that he thought it was Lia's effect. Joohee and Hwaseong were stupid to realize and they were at fault too; they weren't supposed to force their son, they were suppose to guide him to his real soulmate.

Minji felt so bad for Seonghwa that he grew up loving the wrong person.

She placed her index and middle finger on the blonde's neck to feel his pulse and to Minji's surprise, Yeosang's heart was not beating anymore.

"He is dead." She gasped.

Minji knew she had to do something. So, she placed her hand over the younger male's forehead and chanted some spell in her mind. There was a bright light shining just below Minji's hand, indicating that the spell was working. 

After a minute, she placed her fingers to check Yeosang's pulse one more time and she was relieved that it's beating again but faster than the normal pace. 

"You should be fine by now."

The woman then glanced at Lia with no expression or sympathy. 

She walked up to the unconscious girl, "You've been a very bad girl." She scoffed with a little chortle, "You clearly knew you weren't his soulmate yet you pushed yourself to act like one and had the audacity to tattoo Seonghwa's signature."

Minji kneeled down to check Lia's pulse, it was still beating but at a rapid pace. The lady was certain that Lia was not going to last long.

She stood up and dusted dirt off her white dress, "Unfortunate for you, darling. I don't save liars. Better get a doctor to save your life."

If Minji was going to be honest, she doesn't even have the power to save Lia because she's not technically connected to Seonghwa and the Parks. She was only able to revive Yeosang because he is Seonghwa's soulmate.

Well it's not like Minji wanted to revive Lia anyway.

The grey-haired woman took the phone from Lia's pocket and immediately dialed Seonghwa.

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