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Third Person

The pink-haired placed Yeosang on the bed, thankfully he found a guest room near the place where Yeosang got harassed. San carefully glanced at the unconscious male, he was a little worried that Yeosang might not wake up. He gulped, not knowing if he should go down and talk to Seonghwa about it or stay here and look after the blonde.

"Please wake up, Yeosang." San mumbled, hoping the said boy would wake up sooner.

San decided to take his phone out and contact Seonghwa, but he's out of luck since it went straight to voicemail.

"Shit." He cussed and tried contacting his other friend Mingi, hoping he would answer his call. San thanked God that his best friend answered it right away but not to what he expected.

The irritation in Mingi's voice, "I was about to insert my dick, what the fuck do you wan--"

San immediately cut him off, not wanting to hear the rest of his sentence. "Gi, it's an emergency. Can you help me here? Lia's brother fainted and--" The pink-haired was surprised at the high pitched moan that ran through his ears.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Mingi asked with a grunt.

San's jaw dropped in disgust. "Are you seriously fucking your boyfriend while you're in the phone--" He decided not to continue and shook his head, "You know what, nevermind." San quickly ended the call and scroll down to find his other best friend's contact number.

And he's grateful that he answered immediately, "Joong, I need your help. Can you get Seonghwa? Yeosang fainted after he got harassed by that motherfucker Jaewon."



Seonghwa took a quick glance at Hongjoong who was holding the raven-haired's shoulder. "What's the matter?" Seonghwa frantically asked. The look on Hongjoong's face did not look too good which made the older sigh and excuse himself from his guests.

As the two are alone, the blue-haired whispered in his ear, "You see, Lia's brother is at the guest room on the second floor. Unconscious."

Those words are enough to make Seonghwa run to the second floor following Hongjoong behind.

Seonghwa arrived at the guest room, opening the door with such aggression and hurriedly checked on the blonde. San was frightened at first but this time confused. Hongjoong panted after arriving later than Seonghwa. San and Hongjoong exchanged glances but their eyes went back to Seonghwa, who was touching the unconscious male's forehead.

The taller looked at San for the first time, "What happened to him?"

San took a step closer and looked at the blonde's body, "You know Park Jaewon? The senior?"

Seonghwa nodded, "What about him?"

"Well, that bastard fucking harassed him and tried to take advantage of him. If I wasn't there, he could've raped him." San answered.

Seonghwa gritted his teeth and balled his hand into a fist. He's so angry that it seems like flames were emanating his body and Hongjoong could sensed it, now fearing that his black-haired friend might lose his temper anytime soon, so the shortest interrupted, "Then how did he pass out? Was it because of the alcohol?"

San shook his head, "I don't think it's the alcohol. I heard a loud thud, I think Jaewon must have hit him on the wall." He explained with unsureness.

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