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Kang Yeosang

It was awfully silent after Mrs. Park declared the sudden marriage between Seonghwa and me. I was in shock. I had to blink twice to even fully process what she said.

I have to marry Seonghwa?

Sounds like my wish did come true. I should be happy that I'm going to marry the person I love, but I wasn't. Rather, I feel guilty so. Now that Lia is dead, I have to take her place.

This is not what I wished for.

Seonghwa suddenly burst out laughing, "That has got to be the joke of the year, Mom." He continued laughing as if it was the funniest joke he had heard in his life.

Unfortunately, the Parks don't look like they were joking at all. My parents didn't even say anything, but I knew their silence means they were serious about this too.

Why all of a sudden?

"Son, this is for our own good."


Seonghwa abruptly stood up with a mix of confusion and shock written all over his face.

" have to understand that this is part of our family beliefs—"

Before Mrs. Park could complete her sentence, Seonghwa interrupted...with those not-so-nice words.

"Fuck your beliefs, Mom. I don't want to marry someone that I don't love!"

They gasped at Seonghwa's sudden outburst. Including me.

I am not going to lie, it hurts, even more, to know that Seonghwa doesn't want to get involved with me. I'm already devastated but accepted that he doesn't have feelings for me, but why does it hurt this bad?

Though, I am confused as he was. Why do I need to marry Seonghwa? Is this part of his family history, I suppose?

"Seonghwa, you have to listen to me—"

The raven-haired interrupted his father, "No, Dad. I don't want to hear your shitty religion that you guys believe. I've done my part loving Lia, and now that she's gone, I won't marry anyone else. I've had enough." Seonghwa argued before storming out of the house.

Mrs. Park stood up and tried to call his name but no avail. Mr. Park did the same but followed Seonghwa out of the house, leaving me, Mrs. Park, and my parents inside.

Mrs. Park faced my parents, "I sincerely apologize for my son's behavior. He was probably too caught up with his emotions. The arrangement is still ongoing, alright Yeosang?"

"But why do I need to marry him? I already feel guilty for not saving my sister at the accident. Now I even feel more guilty for marrying..." I trailed off, " sister's groom."

Mrs. Park frowned at my words and took a seat beside me. She held my hand in the most comforting way.

"Yeosang dear, I want you to listen carefully to what I am going to say to you, and I want you to understand even just a little bit for us." She mumbles with a soothing voice.

I nodded with a little perplexed look on my face, anticipating Mrs. Park's next words.

She sighed before starting, "Years ago, we, the Parks, are in a not-so-great situation. We are under a curse...a curse that my dead sister put into us."

My mouth was wide open as I was not expecting that answer

"Why would she do that? No offense but why are you guys believing such things like this? I'm genuinely asking if you don't mind." I couldn't help but wonder so I asked again.

She returned a sad smile, "It's quite personal, but to answer your other question... she's haunting us, up until now." She answered without a doubt. "We are going to be stuck in devastating events if Seonghwa doesn't marry you before he turns twenty." She elaborated for me to understand better.

I didn't hesitate to ask again, "But why do I have to marry him? I am not his soulmate." I swallowed bitterly at the last part.

Mrs. Park bit her lip anxiously, "We figured out that if the groom's bride died, the groom's half soul matches the sibling's. So we immediately planned to have you guys arranged together. I'm sorry, Yeosang. I know you fail to fully understand and comprehend what I said but you marrying my son is the only way to keep our family safe."

I huffed out and diverted my gaze to the ground. Now I understand why Seonghwa wanted to marry Lia at an early age.

"I hope you're okay marrying Seonghwa, dear," Mom spoke this time with a worried expression on her face.

Isn't this what I wanted? To marry the person I love?

Isn't this what I wished for? To marry Seonghwa?

I am fine with it. I want to marry him because I love him.

But the thing is; he doesn't love me.

And I think he'd rather marry someone he loves rather than marry me, his lover's brother.

But because I care for Seonghwa and his safety, I nodded at my mother— agreeing with the arranged marriage that's been set for the both of us.

After my conversation with Mrs. Park and my parents, I went to my bedroom to give myself some space. I closed the door and sat on my queen-sized bed. I sprawled myself on the bed, brushing my hair back, and properly processed what happened today.

"My life sucks," I said to myself while facepalming in frustration.

It's still weird to know that Seonghwa's family was under a curse. I totally get it was a private matter to them, but I was still curious about their history. I am going to be part of their family soon, don't I have the right to know the full story?

Aside from that, I can't help but worry about Seonghwa. He hasn't moved on from Lia's death and now he's going to marry me. It honestly surprised me how he harshly complained to his parents about this unexpected proposal. I ain't going to lie, I was shocked to hear that too.

But was I happy hearing that?

The truth is no.

I will only marry him by contract and beliefs. Not by love.

But it's okay.

As long as he's safe from that curse, I'm willing to do anything for him.

Because I love him.

I felt a tear rolling down to my cheek. I bit my lip as I try not to get too emotional from imagining my future with Seonghwa.

I looked to the side to see a picture frame hanging on the wall. I swallowed greedily, standing up to take a better look at it. A picture of me and Lia that was taken on her sixteenth birthday. The image shows that I was holding her birthday cake while she was kissing my cheek. Until now, I still find that memory wholesome.

A smile creeped up on my face as I hugged the picture frame on my chest.

I miss Lia so much.

Then I couldn't help but burst out my tears.

"I'm so sorry for marrying your fiancé."

aaackk! i'm really enjoying this story! i really love the storyline i made but i don't like my writing that much aashdhshskshs

i really hope you get the idea of the story, i want to clarify that seonghwa's family is cursed and the only way to break it is for seonghwa to marry his true soulmate which it's supposed to be lia but to bad she's dead lol.

but yes, i will explain in detail about that soon hihi i hope i dont bore you guys, and don't worry—seongsang moments will be coming soon!!

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