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Third Person

Being surrounded by girls was not Yeosang was expecting.

It started with Literature class where the girls started to ask such questions and their concerns for Yeosang. They were about ten girls in his class and more from the Freshmans. The blonde could tell that they are Seonghwa's fangirls. It still exists in college, even Yeosang couldn't believe it.

"Are you okay, Yeosang-ssi?"

"How do you feel?"

"We're so sad to hear that you've had that accident!"

"How does it feel to be Seonghwa's husband?"

"I can't believe you two are together! I'm a fan of BL!"

"How did you make Seonghwa fall for you?"

"Yeosang-ssi, was Seonghwa oppa good in bed?"

Gosh, what kind of a question is that?

Every bark from the girls were getting too personal. It was overwhelming for Yeosang. He never liked attention, especially from girls invading his personal space.

It was draining for him to answer every question, except for the ones that are over the limit. He wanted to get away as soon as possible. He was thankful it's dismissal time but more girls are surrounding him during this time, making it much harder to run away from them.

"Girls, I really need to go now--"

The girls formed little pouts on their faces, some were disappointed because their questions weren't answered. "But oppa, we wanted to know how did you guys got together!" One female freshman almost seemed demanding for an answer coming from the blonde.

Yeosang let out a desperate sigh, knowing these girls wouldn't listen to him.

"Excuse me, ladies. May I borrow my husband for a bit?"

Everyone turn their heads to see who that voice belongs to.

The girls squealed in giddiness when they saw Seonghwa smiling. They instantly made way for Seonghwa to walk towards Yeosang. The crowd full of girls couldn't help but coo at the sight of Yeosang and Seonghwa locking into each other's eyes with endearment.

"Let's go." Seonghwa mouthed, grabbing the hand of his husband and pulling him away from the crowd.

The girls did not follow, thankfully. They were too immersed by the cute scene.

The couple fastened their pace through the hallways then outside the school's premises. They immediately entered Seonghwa's car, with the elder on the driver's seat and Yeosang on the shotgun seat.

They looked at each other momentarily. The sunset going down is making the sun shine brighter than before, shining against their faces, making it look like it's sunkissed. It was beautiful, such a beautiful moment to look at.

"Are you okay?" Seonghwa asked, making sure that Yeosang didn't feel too overwhelmed by the girls' questions earlier on. He didn't want to risk the blonde having another panic attack.

But Yeosang was more than okay to know that Seonghwa was there the rescue him before that could happen, "I am. Thank you, Hwa."

Seonghwa shot him his genuine smile, taking the younger's hand and kissed it for a brief moment. "Glad to hear that. I want to take you somewhere, love."

"Where to?"

A cheeky smile was visible on the raven-haired's face, "You'll see."

Yeosang decided not to question it further and let Seonghwa surprise him. Whatever it is, as long as it is Seonghwa...he'll never be disappointed.

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