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Kang Yeosang

"Now this is tea. Am I invited to your wedding?" Wooyoung snickered jokingly and my eyes rolled at his remark.

"Definitely not. As much as I want to, Seonghwa probably wants to keep this private. He doesn't want anyone to know what's going on between us."

We are at the rooftop where no one could hear our conversation. The cafeteria was crowded with not so open-minded people so there could be a small chance of people eavesdropping on our conversation.

"So unfair. I want to see you guys kiss." The shorter male pouted and I just giggled at his statement. "Can't I disguise myself as another person?"

"No, Woo. Seonghwa doesn't even know that you knew almost everything. Don't want to take the risk." I told him and he whined in complain.

"I want to catch your bouquet and get married to Choi San right away."

I burst out laughing while shaking my head in disbelief, "I thought you're only attracted to San?" I asked with a light chuckle.

"I'm just exaggerating. Don't take it seriously." Wooyoung playfully rolled his eyes, "But who knows, right?" He added and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Keep dreaming, Woo." I tsked.

Wooyoung scoffed, "Just because you are getting married next week doesn't mean you can tease me like that."

"You used to bully me for being a pussy and not making a move on Seonghwa. Now, why don't you make a move on San?" I retorted with a smirk, outsmarting him.

Wooyoung shoved his hand and I successfully dodged it. My best friend sighed in defeat. "San has a girlfriend." Wooyoung pouted, "How can I make a move on him if he is taken already?"

I playfully scoffed, "Take your own advice, Wooyoung."

"What advice?"

"Make a move on him while he's taken because it might change his mind?" I emphasized the word "might" with my left eyebrow raised, teasing him. "You told me that before when Seonghwa was still dating Lia."

"Oh shut the fuck up, Sangie." He cackled and hit my shoulder. "I'm totally fine being friends with him. It's not like I love him or what." He added while his eyes are focused on the view of the streets from the rooftop.

My lips are pressed into a thin line, "If you say so." I shrugged.

Talking to Wooyoung brings the heavy feeling off my chest. I've been thinking of Seonghwa and the marriage for too much and it just adds stress. I looked at the view in front of me, sighing everything out. Seonghwa just told me that the wedding will be held in a week. I don't know if I should be happy or feel even more guilty.

I am not going to lie, I am so nervous for the wedding.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Wooyoung spoke with a smug smile.

I crossed my arms, darting my eyes to Wooyoung. "It's nothing."

"Nothing my ass. You're thinking about the honeymoon aren't you? On how he's gonna fuck your ass—"

"Okay, okay, too much information." I interrupted, not wanting to hear his full sentence.

Wooyoung let out a toothy grin, "Oops. My bad but that's just sad."

"Sorry to burst your bubble but we are not going to do that. That's impossible."

"Nothing is impossible. Maybe one day, Seonghwa might actually fall in love with you...especially you guys will get married soon."

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