Chapter Twenty Two

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"But it feels like there's oceans
Between you and me
I want you
And I always will."

After parting ways with the stranger, Taehyung was surprised to see Jeongguk still waiting for him at the gate of the park, his two dogs standing quietly next o him. Those chains tugged at his heart again, reminding him of the doubt that clouded his mind about his feelings for the other. The fear that seemed to envelop him was starting to feel like an ocean of emotions he was drowning in.

"Thought you could get rid of me that easily, huh?" Jeongguk asked once they were close enough for Taehyung to hear, making the other's chest loosen, the anxiety slowly leaving his mind as he glanced at the smile plastered on Jeongguk's face. When the man lowered his eyes to Taehyung's hand, his smile widened and a chuckle fell past his lips. "Those are some really heavy groceries you have there."

At that, Taehyung lowered his head too, his fingers tightening around the box of donuts that certainly wasn't heavy, nor could it be considered grocery shopping.

"I still have to go buy what I need but I want to take them upstairs first." Taehyung mumbled, glancing at the dogs who didn't seem like they wanted to step away from Jeongguk.

Jeongguk simply nodded at that but the smile never left his lips, just like he knew Taehyung was, at this point, bluffing.

"I'll go with you and then we can go buy what you need." His answer came under the form of a statement that made Taehyung's heartbeat pick up its speed. "Together." Jeongguk continued, emphasizing his words with a tilt of his head and a soft smile, actions that made Taehyung inhale. He hated himself for being so scared, so anxious, but he was grateful for Jeongguk — for the fact that he wasn't giving up on him. That, despite Taehyung's fears, he was still there, forcing his way into his life and erasing his anxiety. "How does that sound?"

Taehyung thought it sounded amazing — being with Jeongguk. Going shopping with him, spending time with him. Jeongguk made him feel safe, calm, things he's never experienced before, and he seemed to erase all traces of fear and anxiety Taehyung's grown up with. Despite his former doubts, Taehyung found himself smiling as he looked at Jeongguk.

"Don't push me away, Tae." The man continued as he shook his head, his smile slowly fading as he took a step towards Taehyung. "Don't do the same mistakes as me. I know you're scared, of what, I'm not sure, but running is not the better option. You asked me to be real with you so I will. But don't push me away just because you implemented some ideas that aren't true in your mind." At this point, they were face to face, close enough that Taehyung could feel that familiar cologne Jeongguk wore. "My tattoos will never stop me from being real, Taehyung. There is someone who's been waiting for me but they no longer need their soulmate, Taehyung. We figured things out. You don't have to worry about the words under my tattoos."

At least, not for now, Jeongguk's would've added, but refrained himself with a deep inhale.

Taehyung didn't catch the meaning behind those words but he still entwined his fingers with Jeongguk's, allowing himself to finally feel the warmth of it, fully feel it, now knowing that what he felt was real, not a simple mirage.

When he and Jeongguk turned around, their fingers clasped together, Taehyung let a smile overtake the sadness on his face.


Grocery shopping with Jeongguk was something new.

Grocery shopping with someone that was not Jimin was in fact something new for Taehyung. However, he couldn't say he didn't enjoy the sight of Jeongguk walking down the aisle and picking up different things, things for the both of them because, as the latter has decided, they were going to have dinner together.

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