Chapter Five

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"Ooh, does he know that we bleed the same?
Ooh, don't wanna cry but I break that way
Did he run away? Did he run away? I don't know
If he ran away, if he ran away, come back home"

For a few days, Taehyung wasn't able to meet Jimin. He wasn't able to meet anyone, in fact. Work took a toll on him and, before he knew it, the artist was finishing up a few paintings that were due soon. He hadn't realized days have passed—days in which the only interaction he had had were the short greetings shared between him and the people who lived in the same building as he hurried down the stairs to walk his dogs.

He needed to get out and breathe some fresh air—have some real human interaction too.

So, after days of painting and focusing on work, Taehyung finally decided to go for a walk—not only to let his dogs breathe some fresh air and run, but also to ease his mind. The last few days have been filled with thoughts about his soulmate—and his innate absence.

The artist lifted his coat and scarf since it was quite cold outside as the sun was already setting, then put on his dogs' leashes and went down the stairs of the building, greeting the people that were returning home.  He arrived at the park, releasing the two dogs as he sat on the same bench, watching them play around.  He couldn't draw since the street lights were dim so he focused on his surroundings and enjoyed the fresh air. Taehyung didn't bring his sketchbook but he did bring his HLA pen—the new one he had received because he had lost the last one, he wasn't sure where.

As he sat on the bench, Taehyung emptied his mind of the sounds echoing around and focused on his blank skin. The spot on his wrist was as empty as ever, which made Taehyung sigh. After uncapping the pen, Taehyung slowly touched his skin with it and wrote a few sentences that described his last few days, what he's been up to—how he felt.

At last, he wrote a question that never received an answer.

Has your day been well?

After waiting for a few minutes, hoping, Taehyung gave up and let his sweater cover his wrist. He then placed the pen back in his pocket, sulking on the bench. His sadness was probably visible because the people that passed by him offered him merciful gazes that made anger build up inside him.

He hated pity.

He had nothing to be pitied for.

After getting annoyed by all those glances, Taehyung got up from the bench and started walking around, his eyes searching for his two dogs. He found them in the distance and he squinted his eyes when he noticed a silhouette between them. That wasn't what took him by surprise because Muse was friendly and she often allowed people to pet her—what shook him was the fact that the person was petting Onyx. Taehyung couldn't see who it was but curiosity got the best of him so he started walking towards the person with steady steps.

However, his path was blocked by a person Taehyung didn't know. It was a man, probably around his age, who had a smile plastered on his face. Somehow, Taehyung felt like that smile was filled with ill intent.

"I noticed you were sitting alone on that bench and I found you extremely pretty." The man explained, the smile never reaching his eyes as he spoke. Taehyung looked around, noticing a group of young men and women watching them—snickering. Students, probably. "Was wondering if I could have your number?"

After staring at the group with fire in his eyes, something they seemed to notice for they all looked away, Taehyung turned back towards the man.

"No, you cannot." He said.

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