Chapter Eighteen

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"Though we're tethered to the story we must tell
When I saw you, well I knew we'd tell it well
With a whisper, we will tame the vicious seas
Like a feather, bringing kingdoms to their knees."

For the last 4 days Taehyung has been busy—busy enough not to have time to meet the others, occasionally only meeting Jimin when he went out with Muse and Onyx since the two of them lived so close to each other.

His requests for paintings had increased and someone had even contacted him about an exhibition, which meant he had to paint as much as he could during those days. He had painted so much that he even ran out of colors so, at one point, he had to leave the safety of his house, leaving Muse and Onyx at home, in order to look for some new materials. 

He knew that an art shop in the city center was selling the paints he used but he didn't have time to go there, so he looked for the nearest art and crafts stores around him. With a little luck, he found a few, heading straight for the nearest one. When he entered, he was surprised by how small but welcoming that place looked, being full of shelves on which canvases or various colored tubes were placed. 

Taehyung was pretty sure he wasn't going to leave just with what he needed because that happened every time he stepped into an art shop. 

He looked around for a few minutes, placing everything he needed or didn't need but wanted to try out in the basket, then headed for the cash register. He paid a fairly large sum but since art was his only income, Taehyung thought he deserved to pay that much for his materials. When he walked out, carrying a rather large bag, the phone in his pocket started ringing and he hurried to take it out of his coat. Jeongguk's name appeared on the screen, which surprised him. They had spoken several times via messages in the last few days, ever since they exchanged numbers, but they never called each other. 

Unwillingly, Taehyung found himself smiling as he answered.


The man at the other end laughed at that and Taehyung felt himself blush once he realized how awkward and surprised he had sounded. Why had he decided to ask such an obvious question? It was obvious that Jeongguk was calling him but, to be honest, he didn't know how to answer the call. They've never talked on the phone before and, even if they've become closer, Taehyung still felt nervous around him. Not in a bad way. Taehyung knew how anxiety felt and what it was but, surprisingly, Jeongguk didn't make him feel anxious. He made him nervous, yes, but in a way he's never experienced before.

"Surprisingly, yes." He said and Taehyung could sense the smile he probably had on his face even through the sound of his voice. "I wanted to ask you," he paused, letting out a sigh that made Taehyung's smile widen even more—he could hear Seokjin's voice in the background as the man bickered with Jeongguk. "okay, okay—we wanted to ask you if you want to go out with us tonight? Seokjin has received a good offer for a gig and he wants to pay for dinner."

All the unfinished paintings around his apartment flashed before his eyes, reminding him that he had to finalize them before he could make plans. However, Taehyung smiled, squeezing the bag between his fingers, then approved. His paintings could wait.

"Sure." He unknowingly nodded, realizing afterwards that Jeongguk couldn't actually see him. "Just send me the address and I'll meet you there."

Shuffling could be heard from Jeongguk's side, the sounds accompanied by a few muffled voices, and Taehyung realized that the other was probably moving away from the noise so he could hear him better.

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