Chapter Twenty Three

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"And even if you slip away
I'll be there to fall into the dark
To chase your heart
No distance could ever tear us apart

There's nothing that I wouldn't do
I'll find my way back to you."

Taehyung watched as Jeongguk's arm wrapped around his waist, the sleeve of his pajama shirt raising high enough to reveal a tattoo he hadn't seen before, the ink dark enough to show that it was a freshly made one, probably the one Jeongguk had covered with bandages before.

However, rather than the fresh ink, what surprised him more was the pattern of it. The tattoo looked like a string of rope wrapped around his wrist, one that stopped abruptly as it reached the beginning of his palm. Taehyung could see a few letters under that string but he couldn't decipher the message Jeongguk wanted to hide from the rest of the world. Since he never had the chance to see Jeongguk's tattoos that close, Taehyung made sure to analyze the careful lines of the tattoos on his fingers as well because he had always found them intriguing. There were stylized floral patterns on his fingers, each one so magnificent that Taehyung could have stared at them for hours. However, sleep overtook him before that could happen so, when his eyelids started feeling heavier, he decided it was time to join Jeongguk and sleep.

Taehyung moved closer to Jeongguk's body, listening to the faint sounds of his breathing, then closed his eyes, smiling weakly as sleep overtook him, his heart warm and his soul at peace.

He was awakened the following morning by the sound of the two dogs' paws hitting the floor as they ran through the apartment to get their attention.

Taehyung opened his eyes, surprised for a few seconds to notice another body glued to his, his own head resting on Jeongguk's chest, all because of his habit of hugging something while sleeping. Taehyung looked up, smiling as he noticed the man's calm face. Jeongguk looked much younger while he slept — he looked his age and more at peace. For a few seconds, Taehyung did nothing but make sure that image of Jeongguk sleeping peacefully would remain imprinted in his mind for as long as life would allow it to. It felt unreal, waking up next to Jeongguk after all the emotional rollercoasters they've been through. Taehyung had ran away from Jeongguk at first because of his former beliefs about the soulmate bond but, after that, Jeongguk had been the one to run away.

And now, that they were no longer running from their feelings but actually embracing each other, Taehyung couldn't help but feel warmth and happiness bloom inside him.

Taehyung would've loved to stay there and listen to the short intakes of breath Jeongguk was taking as he felt the warmth of his body merge with his own but he had to get up and take care of the two dogs that seemed eager to take a walk outside, the weather so nice that Taehyung even opened up some windows to let the fresh air in.

As he did every morning, Taehyung put on a coat, then went out with them to the park for half an hour before climbing back up to prepare breakfast.

The only difference in his routine, the one that brought a large smile on his face, was that this time, he had to prepare breakfast for two people, not only for himself.

He was already wondering what he should cook since he wasn't that good at it but the moment Taehyung opened the door he was struck by the alluring, sweet, scent of pancakes and, as he turned his eyes to the kitchen, he noticed Jeongguk by the stove, with a plate almost full of fluffy pancakes beside him. When Taehyung closed the door behind him, Jeongguk finally seemed to notice his arrival, his head turning sideways to gaze at him. His eyes were bright, perhaps even brighter than Taehyung's, and his hair was messy and still dripping wet from the shower he had probably taken. His lips curled in a soft smile as he watched Taehyung take his shoes off and walk into the kitchen.

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