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As you may already know, this book was originally written by me in my native language. I decided to translate it and rewrite some parts so that a larger audience can read it. 

Enjoy and let me know what you think!


After numerous studies proved that DNA tests could indeed classify people as soulmates based on their distinctive HLA genes, a group of famous geneticists started the Soulmate Program which became famous all over the world in a short amount of time, receiving positive feedback from every pair of soulmates that took part in it. No one would've ever thought that they could meet their other half based on the result of a genetic test but the program proved to be so successful that scientists came up with another good idea. They created the DNA sampled pen that would allow people to communicate with their other halves by writing on their own bodies, a pen that would allow people to meet their soulmates in new ways, not only in a hospital after doctors have found their other half based on their tests.

After news of the creation of the pen were released to the public and received positive feedback again, the governments of some countries decided that the DNA test that could classify HLA genes had to be taken by everyone when they turned 18.  Slowly, the world became a slightly better place. The DNA fragments of the ink that connected soulmates helped humans find happiness faster so the whole planet started getting better, happier–lighter.

However, not everyone got a happy ending. 

Some people found out that their soulmates were either dead, criminals or already married and living a happy life. Not everyone received a happy ending but life was like that–it wasn't always perfect and the creation of the DNA sampled pen didn't change that fact.

Among them, a young adult had been trying to reach his soulmate for two years without success which lead to two main options that kept weighing down his shoulders: they were either dead or they didn't want to be reached, like many people out there who still didn't believe in the project–in soulmates. Taehyung liked to think the latter was the more suitable one so he kept trying, refusing to fall in love with someone else unless they were his soulmate.

That was, until a certain black motorcycle made his beliefs seem childish because, he realized along the way, love wasn't something someone was supposed to find–it wasn't something you could search for, not something you could force. 

It was sudden, disastrous, yet astonishing, and it stained one's soul forever.

Just like a splash of black ink.

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