Chapter Sixteen

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"And everything we used to know
Crashed into the great unknown
One step closer
We're gonna be alright

'Cause even underneath the waves
I'll be holding on to you
And even if you slip away
I'll be there to fall into the dark
To chase your heart
No distance could ever tear us apart
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
I'll find my way back to you."

Taehyung, unsurprisingly, was somewhat fascinated by Jeon Jeongguk and the mysteries he seemed to hide from those around him, preferring to wear a mask instead of showing himself and his own personality. He was amazed by the familiarity and comfort he felt whenever they were together but he was also amazed by the warmth that Jeongguk's smile seemed to send into his body. It was something he never experienced before—getting chills when he heard Jeongguk's name, having a smile on his face whenever he thought of his glittering eyes and his entrancing smile.

Taehyung was fascinated, not only because of those reasons, but also because of his own feelings. After the evening they spent together, his thoughts no longer seemed to turn towards the idea of his soulmate, nor did he feel sad by the idea of being rejected, at least not that much.

After waking up with the largest smile on his face and warmth in his heart, Taehyung realized that something was different. His body did no longer feel foreign and heavy and he felt rested, like he's slept in the most comfortable bed for many peaceful hours. His day started off with him more excited than ever. Taehyung usually woke up late and felt exhausted even after a full night of sleep but, that day, as he prepared breakfast for himself, he felt like that small, common, thing he did everyday was the most exciting activity he could do. Listening to his favorite playlist and cooking without burning the house down made his day start off incredibly well.

So well that he even found himself backing cookies.

He even decorated some of them with icing and little hearts, even taking the time to slowly sketch important details on some of them. He outlined a piano for Jimin and Yoongi's cookies, a motorcycle for Jeongguk, a camera for Seokjin and a book for Namjoon, who apparently loved reading.

When he finally finished them all it was already noon but Taehyung was content with what he managed to do so, still sporting a huge smile, he left for the parlor, leaving the two dogs sleeping peacefully at home.

Once he arrived there, he was greeted by Namjoon who, somehow, looked a little to stressed.

"Taehyung, what are you doing here?" The older man asked, his brows furrowed as he looked at Taehyung with slightly widened eyes.

"Jimin told me I should do something more exciting so I thought I'd pay you all a visit. I baked you cookies."

Namjoon smiled warmly, as he usually did, but his eyes turned for a moment to the men behind him, who had been whispering ever since Taehyung had arrived. The younger assumed that it was a busy day for them because there were at least five men in the waiting room, which meant that someone else was already getting their tattoo done. Nonetheless, Taehyung still wanted to leave the cookies inside before he left even if the others were busy.

"I don't want to sound mean but Yoongi has a lot of clients and I'm busy with the registers. Jimin and Jin just went to buy some food, so if you truly want to, you can wait for them inside."

Namjoon smiled and Taehyung, after offering his thanks and giving Namjoon his own cookie that was carefully packed in a napkin, turned on his heel to head to the other room. He entered, avoiding further contact with those people that kept staring at him, then looked towards the glass walls behind which Yoongi stood, leaning over a man who seemed quite familiar. 

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