Chapter Fourteen

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"I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong

I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love."

A few days later, Taehyung decided to visit the tattoo parlor since he hasn't seen any of his friends in the past few days—maybe only Jimin once, courtesy of the other visiting him. He's been busy finishing some commissions for his clients and now that he had some free time he felt like he needed to take a break and spend time outside the comfort of his apartment. He made sure to take his dogs with him because he could already picture how happy Yoongi would be to see them again since he was such an animal lover.

And, as expected, Taehyung was right because as soon as he entered through the door, an overly excited Yoongi started squealing as he ran towards Muse and crouched down to pet her. It was such a contrasting image to visualize—a man covered in tattoos and dressed in dark clothes squealing as he pet a dog.

"Aren't you such a pretty baby?" The other said once he finally got up, frowning towards Onyx when the other dog growled at him. "I'd pet him too but I'm pretty scared of him. He looks like he wants to bite everyone."

Taehyung burst out laughing, then bent down to caress Onyx, the frightening dog losing his façade and immediately wiggling his body closer to Taehyung to get more pets.

"It's just the look he forces onto himself. He's actually a big baby and he loves belly rubs and pets."

As they entered the back room, Taehyung immediately noticed a sleeping Jeongguk on the couch, the man's lips parted and his hair ruffled as he snored softly.

"I think that description perfectly suits the guy over there. Acts like the big bad wolf but he's a whole softie." Yoongi said and Taehyung tried to stop himself from smiling warmly at the comment but he failed miserably.

"I can't argue with that."

Taehyung then walked to the other part of the room, towards the other couch, where he sat down with Onyx next to his feet. Muse kept shuffling so he let her go, watching as she got on the couch in order to sleep near Jeongguk. The boy did not wake up and Taehyung felt the need to immortalize that image because it looked too cute to be ignored. Yoongi left soon after since he had to take care of the front room, telling him that Namjoon and Jimin were on their way back with takeout. Taehyung pulled out his notebook and pencil then started sketching the image in front of him

He was so caught in his own thoughts and in the sketch he was currently shading that he didn't notice Jeongguk waking up, the other's irises being focused on him, watching him as he drew. It was Muse who firstly noticed, getting up to nuzzle his hand, which surprisingly made Jeongguk laugh out loud. Taehyung smiled weakly as he watched the two play, surprised to see that Onyx was also walking towards Jeongguk now. The other dog laid near the couch but the gesture was enough to make Taehyung understand that his dogs truly liked Jeongguk's presence, which meant that his soul was good, just as Taehyung already knew it was.

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