Chapter Twenty Seven

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"When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love."

Jeongguk woke up much earlier than Taehyung, so early that the sun was not even up yet. He was used to waking up early in order to have time to workout and prepare a meal, but he decided to change his routine for that day.

He was planning to fall back asleep, but after lowering his eyes to Taehyung's sleeping figure, he turned his head to one side, wanting to embrace the sight of Taehyung laying on his chest more. It wasn't Taehyung's beauty that fascinated him because he couldn't see his face from the position he was in, even though he knew Taehyung always looked wonderful. What fascinated Jeongguk was the warmth he felt, being so close to him, their bodies glued together.

Ever since he had met Taehyung, Jeongguk had known that something about him would mesmerize him to the point of no return. Not the bond between them or his ethereal beauty. Jeongguk would have probably loved Taehyung the same even if he'd have been blind because the other's soul, his kindness and the purity he carried on his shoulders, the way he showed his love for the smallest things, his bravery and his exceptional mind—those were the things that had drawn him in in the first place.

With a smile on his face, Jeongguk pressed his lips on Taehyung's forehead, lingering there for a few seconds, wrapping his arms around his body to make sure he wasn't dreaming any of it. Somehow, his fear of being rejected had turned out to be a perfect reality, one in which Taehyung not only accepted him, but somehow reciprocated his feelings, as real as his, just like Jeongguk's always wanted him to. The soulmate bond they shared was just another bonus.

Jeongguk's smile widened, his eyes closing because of the pure happiness that enveloped him once he realized that everything was real, that Taehyung was really in his arms, that he finally knew the truth and yet, he had chosen to stay next to him.

Jeongguk didn't wait anymore, feeling too excited to stay still, so he turned around, still holding Taehyung in his arms. Taehyung let out a groan at that, probably annoyed that he was being forcefully woken up, but all Jeongguk did was smile. He chuckled as Taehyung stretched out his legs and arms, wrapping himself around his body without opening his eyes, but continuing to mutter under his breath, which meant he was most likely awake.


Taehyung did not move but he opened one eye, looking at him through his eyelashes as his cheek pressed against Jeongguk's chest. He smiled widely because Taehyung was simply too adorable.

"Hmm? Did something happen?"

Jeongguk shook his head, implying that nothing had happened, and Taehyung sighed, placing his body more comfortably on top of him, his legs resting on either side of Jeongguk's body. He smiled again, stroking Taehyung's hair before turning again so that he was now hovering above the other.

Taehyung's eyes opened and a blush appeared on his face once he realized the position they were in. He still smiled because he noticed how happy Jeongguk looked, how full of life his eyes were. Taehyung's gaze dropped to his bare chest, raising his hand to touch the words with his fingers. Jeongguk watched everything closely, leaning down to press his lips to the other's forehead. Taehyung hugged him, wrapping his arms around his neck, and Jeongguk fell on him laughing, almost crushing him with his weight.

"I'm crushing you, Taehyung, let me go."

Shaking his head, Taehyung refused, chuckling as Jeongguk tried to get up to no avail since he was wrapped around the other. He would have stayed like that all day but the two excited dogs entered through the open door, Muse jumping straight onto the bed, pushing Jeongguk with her paws to successfully get him off Taehyung. They both started to laugh as Muse laid between them, pushing at Jeongguk's arm with her snout, asking to be pet. Smiling, he caressed her head.

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