Chapter Eleven

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"We hide our emotions
Under the surface and trying to pretend
But it feels like there's oceans
Between you and me."

The ride to Taehyung's apartment was indeed short and, as soon as he stopped his motorcycle in front of the same park he's firstly met Taehyung in, Jeongguk stepped off the bike and turned towards the other. Taehyung was already struggling to take off his helmet but, before Jeongguk could walk towards him and take it off himself, Taehyung managed to untie it. He then offered it to Jeongguk and tried to get off the motorcycle, stumbling as he raised one leg over it.

Jeongguk rushed by his side faster than he wanted to admit, one hand making its way around Taehyung's body and helping him up.

"There you go." He said as he lifted him, making sure Taehyung was steady and safe from the hot parts of the motorcycle and from his own legs.

As soon as he let the other go, Jeongguk stepped away, putting the much needed distance between them again.

"Thank you for bringing me home." Taehyung said, the same soft smile still present on his face, which made Jeongguk return a strained one as well.

Taehyung laughed at his failed attempt which seemed to be more obvious than he thought. "You're truly confusing, Jeongguk. You seem like you hate me but you still go to the extent of bringing me home. Do you really hate me?"

Taehyung's words made him frown but, as much as he would've liked to let the other know, once again, that he didn't hate him at all, Jeongguk restrained himself.

Instead, he tilted his head and smiled teasingly. "We could say you owe me one now."

And then he left, leaving his soulmate behind. His chest felt tight during the whole ride home and for the whole night Jeongguk tossed and turned in his bed without being able to fall asleep. It wasn't the first time—he had troubles sleeping most of the time. However, even if the reason he usually stayed awake for so long were the traumatic memories of his sister, that night the real reason laid elsewhere.

In the hazel eyes of a person whose heart was too kind for his own good.

He would've liked to keep lying to himself but the truth was slowly emerging to the surface and Jeongguk wasn't sure what he was supposed to do about it.


Taehyung was already aware that Jeongguk had many tattoos, especially since he had the chance to analyze some of them at a closer look the night prior. Thick, black lines appeared from under the edges of his clothes and his arms were full of various but fascinating patterns, flowers and other symbols that certainly meant something for the other. He was sure he'd seen a few stripes running down his thighs when the other wore a pair of ripped pants, which meant that not only his arms were full of tattoos, but probably his whole body. 

Until that moment he'd started to think that Jeongguk simply had no free space on his body but the moment he entered through the door that led to the back room of the parlor, being pulled by an excited Jimin who wanted to show him his first tattoo, Taehyung was left amazed at the sight that greeted him, his eyes widening and his legs refusing to move from their spot. Behind the glass wall, in the tattooing area, was Namjoon, who was bent over a body but that was not the detail that had surprised Taehyung. What left him shocked and frozen was the tattoo the other was outlining.

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