Chapter Seven

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"Wish I didn't doubt it
I wish I never ever told you all about it
But I just had to let you know
I never meant to hurt you though
I had all my motives
I didn't know they wouldn't mix with your emotions
I just had to reach my goals
Never knew I needed you though, so..."

Taehyung was dragged by Jimin to the parlor the following day, even though he was exhausted and his body felt like it had run out of batteries and energy—he simply didn't want to get up from the couch he had fallen asleep on. He was awakened by Jimin's loud voice as his friend barged into his apartment—he had given him a key a few months prior—then was forced to take a long shower while his friend walked the two dogs who had been neglected in the past few hours. Taehyung felt like there was a large hollow inside him and he was familiar with that feeling. He had had such episodes before—days in which he felt like doing nothing and he simply watched his favorite TV shows all over again, days in which he went without showering or cleaning his house because he just couldn't find the energy to do it anymore. He knew those days too well, had gone through many, but he had hoped he wouldn't experience them ever again.

And still, there he was, going through them all over again because of a message he had been expecting but one that had actually ruined him. Depression was horrible, Taehyung had always known that, but it was even worse when it resurfaced after a period filled with joy, happiness and healthy habits. Seeing those healthy habits disappear behind a wall of depressing thoughts was worse than anything.

After Jimin made sure that Taehyung looked like a human being, they left for the parlor in complete silence because that was another thing Taehyung despised about his depression episodes. He had no energy in his body, not even for talking to his best friend. It felt like he was running on batteries that were slowly being drained and there was no way to charge them back up.

As he and Jimin entered the parlor, Taehyung noticed that it was busier now. Seokjin was standing behind the counter, chatting with customers while two men were waiting for their appointments in the waiting area. Taehyung spotted Yoongi, the man having noticed them as well since he was already strolling towards the door.

"You're here." Yoongi said once he reached them and circled one arm around Jimin as he pulled him closer and pressed a kiss on his cheek. He then turned his head towards Taehyung, a smile spreading on his face. "I'm glad you came, Taehyung."

Taehyung smiled warmly at Yoongi as he accepted the side hug initiated by the other man. For someone who usually had a cold look on his face, Yoongi was incredibly warm and affectionate.

"Jimin forced me out of the house." He explained, watching as Yoongi's lips curled upwards.

Yoongi smiled sympathetically at him, deciding not to answer because he didn't know how to approach the matter. Taehyung, from what Jimin had told him, had been down lately so Yoongi decided to avoid pressing on that matter.

"Friends like that are rare, Taehyung." Yoongi said, patting Taehyung's shoulder as he walked towards the front desk, the two men trailing after him. Yoongi looked over his shoulder, meeting Jimin's eyes. "I'm glad you two have each other's backs all the time. Never forget what bond you have, alright? Friendship is important."

Taehyung smiled at that, realizing that Yoongi was right. His body warmed up at that and, as he eyed Jimin, Taehyung couldn't help but feel grateful. His friend side hugged him, reminding him that he wasn't alone and, for a moment, that was all that mattered.

Yoongi walked behind the front desk, busying himself with a few documents before raising his head and meeting their eyes.

"We should all go out together." He said. "You look like you need to have some fun and, before Jimin says it again, I know you're not the type who likes to go out but I still think you should give it a try."

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