Chapter Nine

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Mentions of drug use, mentions of drug use without consent

I do not support smoking or drinking so don't do it.


"It's my fate
Don't smile to me
Light on me
Because I can't get closer to you
There's no name you can call me

You know that I can't
Show you me
Give you me
I can't show you a ruined part of myself
Once again I put a mask on and go to see you
But I still want you."

He hadn't actually planned on coming.

His day had been filled with misfortune and he was exhausted but, after picking up his motorcycle, Jeongguk still found himself riding towards the address sent to him by Yoongi. He told himself it was because he needed a distraction from everything that's been going on his life but, deep down, Jeongguk was aware that choosing to go there was not the best decision. After all, Taehyung was there.

He spent a few good minutes outside the club after getting there, spending them by smoking a cigarette as he leaned on his motorcycle and questioned his bad decision. He shouldn't have come, he knew. He should've avoided Taehyung as much as possible but he couldn't stop himself from wanting to see the other man. So, when he got inside and he finally saw Taehyung, his head leaned back as he swayed to the music echoing around them, Jeongguk cursed himself for coming. He cursed himself, his brows lowering into a frown filled with confusion directed towards his own emotions as he stared at Taehyung and his astonishing features. There was a kind of beauty in Taehyung he couldn't quite describe because it was not only about the material world, about his strong eyebrows, intense eyes and full lips—it was about his soul, Jeongguk knew that. Taehyung's soul was beautiful, in and out, and Jeongguk hated himself for making the other suffer at times.

The moment Taehyung's eyes opened and he looked at Jeongguk, just like he already knew he was there—like he's been waiting for him—Jeongguk's heart made a painful turn inside his chest.

He shouldn't be there.

He couldn't.

He was on the verge of turning around and leaving when a voice forcefully pushed him out of his trance and made him realize he's been staring at Taehyung for a while. Turning around, Jeongguk was met with the sight of his slightly intoxicated friend.

"Jeongguk, you finally came!" Seokjin glared at Jeongguk with squinted eyes, internally blaming him for being so late. "Taehyung here has been asking about you."

Taehyung made an attempt to get up and slap Seokjin on the shoulder but he failed pathetically under everyone's gaze because of his ankle and dizziness. Jimin grabbed his arm to stabilize his body then asked him how he was feeling, which caught the other man's attention.

Jeongguk, who was still standing, finally lowered his gaze towards Taehyung's leg, noticing that the man wasn't putting pressure on it. Had he hurt himself?

"What happened to him?" He found himself asking before he could even stop himself, his eyes drifting towards Jimin, who was by Taehyung's side. He could feel Taehyung's gaze focused on him but he wanted to avoid looking into his eyes as much as possible—Taehyung's eyes were a beautiful trap Jeongguk wished to avoid. "Why did you let him drink that much?" He slightly accused Jimin, his voice seeming rougher as he struggled to be heard over the loud music.

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