Chapter Twenty Nine

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Sorry for taking so long



"Though your heart is far too young to realize
The unimaginable light you hold inside."

Taehyung was radiating happiness and it was visible in everything he had done in the last few days. 

It had only been 5 days since he had found out the truth but he could tell that his whole life had drastically changed. 

The mornings he used to spend alone in the park were now full of smiles and hugs because Jeongguk was there and he was no longer alone.  Of course, Jeongguk had been next to him for a long time but now everything was different. Taehyung now knew that they were really a couple, that they were meant to be together from the start and there were no boundaries between them anymore, at least not because of the soulmate bond. There was one thing holding him back, the lie he was hiding from his partner, but Taehyung tried to let it slide as often as he could because, even if he wanted to tell the other, he knew it wasn't his place to do so.

On the fifth day, Taehyung woke up alone in the morning but when he looked at his arm he found himself smiling, knowing that it didn't matter if Jeongguk was there or not, because they were already in each other's hearts. 

On Taehyung's wrist was drawn a heart in that calligraphic style Jeongguk used, a few words being written right under it.  His own heart trembled when he read them, for he had not expected his morning to begin like that, but, above all, he had not expected Jeongguk to be so affectionate and sweet.

Good morning, my love.

Taehyung called him right away, a huge smile on his face as they talked while he was making breakfast. Jeongguk had to work so he left earlier in the morning but he promised Taehyung that he'd come back to get him in order to spend some time together.

Taehyung's day went perfectly afterwards but everything became even more wonderful when he was finally able to meet with Jeongguk.

Jeongguk was waiting for him with a smile on his face in front of the apartment building, holding a thermos between his fingers that Taehyung already knew was filled with his favorite tea from a certain tea shop. 

He walked hurriedly towards him, wanting to get into his arms as soon as possible, the two dogs next to him probably feeling the same since they were pulling Taehyung towards Jeongguk hard enough to make him stumble. 

Jeongguk chuckled, already having two biscuits prepared in order to calm Muse and Onyx, who accepted them happily as Taehyung took refuge in his partner's arms.  Jeongguk, as he did every morning, pressed his lips on his forehead, making Taheyung giggle, for they had suddenly turned into the type of couple he grimaced at when he saw them on the street. 

Looking up, Taehyung felt so content that his whole body warmed up at the sight of Jeongguk smiling.  Jeongguk's smile was adorable, an artistic contrast between the tattoos on his skin and his bunny teeth, but he didn't reveal that feature so often.

"What happened to you today? I woke up to an adorable message this morning and now you're smiling like you're the happiest person on earth."

Jeongguk continued to smile without answering, which was fine, because they both already knew why they were so happy. 

They walked towards the park, leaving the two dogs free, their fingers still tangled and hidden in the pocket of Jeongguk's coat to keep them out of the cold.  A few familiar glances turned towards them, which happened often in the past few days, because the fact that Taehyung was smiling so warmly at someone was really fascinating. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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