Chapter Twenty Eight

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Special yoonmin chapter

Jimin had never been particularly excited to find his soulmate. Somewhere deep inside his young soul the boy feared the disappointment that came hand in hand with love or attachment to another person.

He always busied himself with other things, whether it was school, his dance classes or a new hobby, all so that he wouldn't have to think about his partner. Jimin made sure he kept his mind busy so that he didn't have to think too often about what everyone was hoping to find, so that he didn't have time to muster any hope.

Jimin was used to seeing only happy couples around him and he sometimes wondered why he didn't feel the need to have someone by his side as well, why he enjoyed being alone so much. He had come to believe that maybe he wasn't made to love or be loved but he knew it wasn't true because he loved many things. He loved dancing, nature, animals and he loved himself, which proved that even someone as cold as him could be loved.

But still, Park Jimin didn't want to find his partner.

He felt neutral when he woke up and saw that his skin was still blank but sometimes, most of the time in fact, people lie. Humans lie so much and perfectly that the truth merges with those false words until they no longer can differentiate which one is real and Jimin, Jimin knew how to lie to himself the best.

Behind his blank thoughts was actually the need for affection, the need for love, the certainty that someone cared about him, but it was not easy to find such a person, trust being something hard to gain when it came to him.

It happened once he turned 15. Jimin received his first message, words written in italics on his forearm, a simple introduction and a greeting. He didn't know what to feel then because he was young, which meant that his partner was a few years older than him. He couldn't answer yet but the person seemed to realize that from the first weeks. However, he never ceased writing.

For a while, Jimin didn't know how to feel about the whole thing but he got used to waking up in the morning with a smile on his face, eager to read the new messages on his body, messages he adored, leaving the ones on his arms visible for everyone to see, to appreciate.

Jimin showed them proudly, whenever he walked on the street, whenever he danced, because they were not simple words. His partner, in addition to the paragraphs in which he told him stories about his life, wrote lyrics, lyrics so beautiful that Jimin found himself in their meaning even if he did not know the one who had created them.

As time passed, several months later, he realized that he had already become attached to the person, which was not so bad, not as he had thought. On the contrary, it was a beautiful feeling and Jimin was happier with each passing day because of those words.

When he turned 16, a few weeks after his birthday, he woke up one morning to go to school, being surprised to find that there were no more verses on his wrist, but a name and age. A name that startled his heart. Min Yoongi was 19, which meant he was three years older than Jimin but the age gap between them didn't make him feel any different towards the other.

His mentality changed with each passing day and Jimin started to realize that love was not so bad, concluding that even though he had thought so before, he had never actually loved himself either. He used to consider himself inferior, he thought he was a bad dancer but somehow Yoongi's lyrics seemed perfect for him, as if the boy could feel his doubts and fears and was trying to make them go away through their only connection, his words.

Jimin could have searched for his profile on social media but in a way, he wanted to appreciate what they had just like that. He wanted to discover Min Yoongi without actually knowing him because he wanted to discover his soul more than his appearance.

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