Chapter Ten

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"Drivin' through the city with me
Just watchin' you glow
I'm in the passenger seat, you're in control
(It's on you now)."

When everyone decided that they've had enough to drink, Jeongguk got up from the couch as well, already prepared to leave—he hadn't drunk anything after all. Jeongguk wasn't a fan of alcohol, not at all. It clouded his mind and made him relieve each painful memory he had. 

"Gguk, you came here with your bike?" Namjoon asked when he noticed him putting on his coat.

Namjoon's eyes were hazy and red enough to tell Jeongguk that his friend's had more than enough to drink but everyone was in the same state at that moment. Yoongi was slightly better due to the fact that he had to keep an eye on Jimin who, from what Jeongguk's seen, was a wild drinker.

"Yea, want me to take you home?" He asked, helping Namjoon take his own coat from the couch.

Shaking his head, his friend flashed him a smile as he struggled to put on his coat. "No, no, we'll call a taxi but since Jimin's, you know, going to Yoongi's place, could you take Taehyung home?" Both he and Namjoon took a glance at the other, who was more sober now since almost two hours have passed since the incident with Bogum. "I don't want something bad to happen to him. He drank quite a lot and I'm not sure if it's out of his system yet."

Jeongguk wasn't too keen on the idea of spending more time with Taehyung than he already had but he also wasn't an asshole so, if the other needed him in order to get home safely, he'd help him.

"Why can't his friend take him home? Don't they live close to each other?" He still asked, looking around for the other man, Hoseok, who didn't seem to be there anymore.

Seokjin, who was now next to Namjoon, sighed. "He left one hour ago but you were too focused on your phone to notice. Take him home, Gguk. You've been acting like an asshole around him. This is your chance to make him change his mind about you." The oldest threw a glance towards the smiling man that was currently helping Jimin put on his scarf and Jeongguk found himself smiling a little bit at the sight of their closeness. "He's a good person, Jeongguk. Don't push him away. Why don't you ask him out? You could get coffee one day. I think you'd get along quite well."

He almost coughed at Seokjin's words but, fortunately, he managed to avoid the embarrassment and instead shook his head with a frown on his face. It was serious if the others were starting to notice that there was indeed something going on between the two of them. Jeongguk didn't want them to find out about the truth but he was sure Yoongi already knew something because his friend was attentive and, out of them all, he knew Jeongguk the best. He probably could tell that something was off.

"I don't have time to date right now and he's too obsessed with his soulmate anyway. He won't be able to fall for someone else with that mindset of his."

The other two didn't look like they agreed with his statement but Jeongguk ignored their gazes and instead strolled towards Taehyung. The other averted his attention from Jimin to Jeongguk and his eyes widened in the slightest way before a smile appeared on his face.

"Jeongguk," his voice was soft but somehow restrained, like he didn't know how to act in front of him, which made Jeongguk's chest tighten. Taehyung was a kind person and the fact that he was probably making him uncomfortable angered him. "I thought you actually hated me for a moment there."

He couldn't even if he wanted to—that was what was angering him even more.

Shaking his head, Jeongguk tried to avoid looking straight into the other's eyes, focusing instead on one of his dangling earrings.

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