Chapter 2

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------No One's Pov-----

The bluenette just wanted to know the Truth of bringing him here.

"Furisho Sama said that you need something from me" Kuroko spoken once more, the Emperor just hummed looking at the delicate bluenette.

"If Fushiro Sama lied then I'll go back, I'm sorry if I disturbed you" Kuroko look at Fushiro and walk away. He was walking away, "Wait" until he heard the Emperor's voice.

He turned around, "Yes?" Kuroko look at the Emperor. "Why don't we have some tea?" When the Emperor asked that, every maiden's and knight's look at the bluenette.

"Maybe his going to be the bride..." The red knight whisper to the blue. "Oh be quiet" He whisper back.

Kuroko suddenly spoke, "Is that what you need me Your Highness? I'm sorry but I respectfully... Decline that the offer your going to give me." Kuroko decline the King's offer, their eye's widened.

No one has ever dared to Decline that the Emperor gave. This was the first time someone decline him.

Fushiro's eye's widened and start's to panick. "Y-Your H-Highness! I-I-I'm sorry! H-His s-stubborn! P-Please! G-Give me A-Another-----" Fushiro's eye's widened and even the maiden's, most of all the Knight's.

The Emperor was smirking, those eye's of his is flickering crimson as blood and gold. They can see that the bluenette has no fear facing the Emperor.

It was the first time that the Emperor saw something that make him interested in. Making own decision's. He saw how beautiful the bluenette and how the bluenette decline him with no fear. He finally found someone.

He knew that everyone or every human is afraid of him, fear of him. That was so afraid that they'll run away.

But the boy infront of him, was already blank, held no emotion's. The bluenette face him and bow again.

Fushiro can see those interest in his eye's. "Your Highness?" Fushiro asked. The bluenette start's to walk away again. "It seem's you've done well." The Emperor spoke that Fushiro.

"Tetsuya is your name, isn't it?" The Emperor called, Kuroko turned around. "Yes, your Highness." Kuroko spoken, "I need to go now" Kuroko added in a very soft tone.

"No need to go, didn't he tell you everything?" That question make the bluenette confused. "Everything..? Fushiro Sama..?" Kuroko suddenly look at Fushiro.

Fushiro's eye's widened, "W-Wait no! K-Kuroko! You don't need to g-go!" Fushiro tried to smile. "What do you.. mean by that?" Kuroko asked.

"Oh? You still didn't know, did you? He offer you to be my Bride. It seem's he didn't tell you that" The Emperor spoke.

"What..? Bride..? Fushiro.. Sama what is... what is he.. talking about? Why are you offering me.. to.. him..?" Kuroko suddenly look at the Demon Emperor.

"No.. I decline to be someone's bride.. I can't offer myself. Fushiro Sama, please find someone else." Kuroko walk away.

"No, I don't need someone right now, I already found someone that it perfect" The Emperor smirk, the bluenette suddenly float's. The bluenette's eye's widened, he suddenly float's and goes to the Emperor's arm's.

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