Chapter 7

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------No One's Pov-----

3 Day's Later, it was afternoon.

The bluenette felt bored, he still remembering of what happened thar day. 'I wonder how did they do it..' Kuroko sigh. "Kurokocchi??" He turned around, "Kurokocchi???" Kuroko asked, "He add's "-cchi" when he respect someone." Kuroko looked at Kagami.

"I see.." The bluenette hummed a little. Kise and Kagami suddenly stand up straight when the Emperor arrives. "Tetsuya, aren't you getting bored to read??" Akashi asked, "No. Why would I be??" Kuroko asked.

"It's nothing" Akashi chuckle, Kise and Kagami look at them. "Why don't we go somewhere???" Kuroko asked, "Somewhere???" Kagami, Kise and Akashi asked.

"Yes, Somewhere. Like Hotspring, I know somewhere at the forest, I always go their" Kuroko stand up, "We can make every shallow Knight's of your's to be refreshed" Kuroko added, Kise and Kagami's eye's sparkles.

"I'm going!!" Kise and Kagami cheered. The Emperor hummed, "Are you sure?" Akashi asked. "Yes, Moimoi San and Ogiwara Kun as well" The bluenette spoken.

"Do you want to come or not??" Kuroko asked the Emperor, the Emperor think about the bluenette. "I'll come, it's better way for me to come" Akashi spoke.

Kise and Kagami's eye's widened, "Ehhhhh!!!" Kise panick, the Emperor glare at them, they both suddenly bowed and run away.

"We just need to wait at Night Time, since it's a hot spring. I'll ready my clothes" The bluenette walk passes.

Ogiwara and Moimoi heard their conversation and the other Knight's. The Knight's was very excited for tonight. While Midorima on the other hand, hummed.

'Not that I care or anything but.. this will be a long Night'


Night Time arrives, outside of the Emperor's huged castle, every horses is ready. Kuroko remember that his horse died.

"Where.. should I Ride?" Kuroko asked. The Emperor was going to spoke but the bluenette saw Aomine who's giving him some horse. "Thank you, Aomine Kun" Kuroko bowed respectfully.

The Emperor hummed coldly when he look at Aomine, Aomine sweatdrop. If Kuroko hasn't any horse, he can ride with the Emperor.

The bluenette climb to his Horse. "For some reason, their's many demon's at the Forest, should we really used the Forest??" Kagami asked, "Yes" Kuroko nodded.

"That's why I'm bringing these, for some reason, I wanted to be a Knight but I'm too weak" Kuroko sweatdrop.

"Don't worry, it's just small demon's and animal's. I know Demon's exist anyway" The bluenette's horse start's to run. "I never thought Kuroko can ride a horse for a thin body like him" Midorima sweatdrop.

Kagami smirk, "That's right, he can ride a horse." They all turned to Kagami, the Emperor leaves them. He was beside the bluenette, "It seem's you've exceed my expectation so well, that's my Bride goes" Akashi smirk.

"No, I'm just doing the thing's I want" The bluenette replied, Ogiwara, Moimoi and the Shallow Knight's followed, their eye's widened when they're in the forest.

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