Chapter 9

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-----No One's Pov-----

It was still Mid Night.

They saw Kirin and Mizuki was wet, Kagami and Murasakibara gave them a towel. Kirin didn't take them and walk away.

The kid's was already asleep in the room. While outside, "Why don't you sleep here? Since Kuroko just need to stay for the Kid's until morning. Your Highness? I'm sorry if we need Kuroko that much" The old man sigh sadly, "It's okay. We'll stay at the night for now." The Emperor agreed.

"Wait! Really!?" Kise can't believe it, to a small house like this. The Knight's as well. "Be quiet, the Kid's is sleeping" Aomine whisper. "Yes-ssu!!" Kise whined like a child, Kagami and Midorima facepalm.

"So where do we sleep?" Akashi suddenly asked, "Ah well, their's only two room's left, a huge room for your Knight's and a room for you. Although Kuroko doesn't have any room, maybe he can join you in one room. Don't worry, their's two bed foam in the floor that you may lay on and a blanket" the Emperor suddenly smirk. The Knight's sweatdrop.

"Then I'll take the small room" Akashi chuckle, they heard someone was coming. Aomine suddenly scream, "What the fuck!?" it was only the bluenette.

"How long have you been standing their!?" Kagami yelled at the bluenette. "A quite long, I was actually listening. I'm surprise that you guy's will stay here" Kuroko said calmly as ever.

"Kuroko, I'm sorry if their's no room left. You could only sleep with the Highness" The old man of his sigh sadly.

"It's okay, I can sleep with him." Kuroko smile at the old man. "I agreed sleeping with him, so don't worry" Kuroko chuckle.

Midorima and Kise suddenly whisper, "Kurokocchi/Kuroko becareful.. he might eaten you" Midorima and Kise step back. Murasakibara look at Kuroko.

He saw Kirin was just listening, 'It seem's something will happen tonight..' the lazy giant thought.


At the night, in the room. Kuroko rolled the two bed foam's. The bluenette grab the crimson and light blue blanket.

The Emperor saw how he ready the two foam's. "This is your's and this is mine, please be comfortable with it" Kuroko bowed.

The bluenette stand's up and opened the window, since it was hot inside. The Emperor hummed and look at the bluenette taking care of thing's.

"It seem's you can be a useful wife" Akashi complimented, "Don't even think that I'm going to be a Wife, you do know that I'm a male and not a female" Kuroko sigh.

Akashi chuckle and walk close to the bluenette. "I see, even though your a male, their's no problem having a relationship with it."  The Emperor chuckle, he looked down at the bluenette. The Emperor knew that their alone at the room, sleeping with the same room.

The Emperor sense someone is coming, "Tetsuya" he called. Kuroko look up to him, "Yes?" the bluenette replied so warm. Those rosy lips of the bluenette, it's been a while he never touch it.

"Your dazing off again, your horn's appear since the time we arrive" Kuroko spoke. Akashi chuckle, he pull the bluenette closely, he knew someone will coming.

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