Chapter 18

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-------No One's Pov------

Today was the wedding, the bluenette was hearing the bell. He felt nervous about this. Kuroko look at the servant's, they're very busy fixing him. He felt a little bit nervous and yet shy, he look at Ogiwara who is fixing his bridal clothes.

He didn't expect that this day is a special day. Kuroko look himself at the mirror. 'Strange.. I felt like something is going to happen...' Kuroko thought, he rubbed his tummy.

'I'll protect you no matter what..'

While at the Emperor, in his room.

Akashi was being dressed, he was very handsome. It was a wedding day, he look through the window, he saw so many people is attending, he can even see the kid's. He saw how big is the celebration of his wedding.

"How's Tetsuya?" He asked, he knew Midorima was behind him, "His really beautiful your Highness, this will be a Big Celebration" Midorima smiled. Akashi smiled, it was the time, the bride that he chose.

He look how many people visited at his Kingdom, going isnde his castle. He hummed, he saw two men in a hoodie.

"Shintarou, check the whole castle." Akashi command very coldly. Midorima was confused, "Yes, your Highness" he bowed. Midorima notice a scary presence from the Emperor.

His horn's was showing, Akashi hummed very coldly.

'Something is not right...'


The bluenette saw the kid's. He was happy that he saw them. He didn't realize that something will happen. "Tetsu Kun, it's time to wear your fabulous wedding tuxedo!!" Moimoi cheered.

Kuroko hummed and look at himself. He hold his tuxedo and goes to the dressing room. He started to put it in. He look very handsome for himself.

The bluenette look at them, all the servant's eye's sparkles. "Oh wow Kuroko!!" Ogiwara complimented. Moimoi chuckle, they put some wedding veil on the bluenette.

Kuroko felt fear in his body, 'Maybe.. I'm just dizzy...' Kuroko thought and shake his head, he look at the beautiful crimson roses that he'll hold on.

"Kuroko, are you ready?" Ogiwara smiled, Kuroko nodded blankly. "Ogiwara kun.. if something happened, please tell me, I felt this wedding day is not what I expected. If something goes wrong.. please tell me" Kuroko spoke, Ogiwara can tell that he's very serious.

"Sure, Okay" Ogiwara smiled. Kuroko smiled back to Ogiwara. "But.. If you felt something is not right, I can inform the Highness. I felt the evil presence as well" Ogiwara sigh.

Kuroko smile, "I'm the Bride, Ogiwara Kun. Their's no need to worry, Akashi kun will protect us." Kuroko softly smile, Ogiwara's eye's widened.

"Did you.. Did you fall-----" Ogiwara was cut off by the servant's. "Kuroko sama, right this way" The servant's bowed. Kuroko nodded and smile at them. He was holding crimson flower's. He was the Bride.

They are now infront of the huge door, he can tell many people are inside. Demon's, Fairies, Giant's and Human's. Kuroko felt nervous and yet he saw some unusual at the wedding. Kuroko looked at the floor. He hummed softly, he felt something is not right.

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