Chapter 4

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-----No One's Pov------

The Emperor look at the bluenette, "You don't have to be angry at Kagami Kun" The Knight's eye's widened and the servant's. They notice how kind is the bluenette. The Emperor look at the bluenette who is looking at him.

The Emperor hummed softly, "Alright. But it seems you need to sleep and rest" Akashi command the bluenette, "W-What?.. No, I-----" Kuroko was cut off when the Emperor snap his finger that he suddenly fall asleep as he fall's to the Emperor's arm's.

"Shintarou, heal Tetsuya. I'll deal with the pests, Taiga, you are forgiven, in exchange, tell me who started this and I'll cut them to single pieces." The Emperor command, "As you wish, your Highness" Kagami and the Green Knight spoke. The Emperor carried the bluenette in bridal.

The bluenette was no longer anyone's belonging. It was the Emperor's command and desire's. It was his Bride that he own.


Afternoon arrives, Kuroko was still in bed and heard someone is been taking care of him. He look beside, he has a green hair and glasses.

"It seems your awake, Kuroko sama, I'm Midorima Shintarou, the medicine and the King's acquaintance. I'm one of the Shallow Knight's. Please to meet you" Midorima introduce that he stand up and bow.

"Uhm.. No need to be so.. formal.. Midorima Kun is it?" Kuroko sat up, the bluenette was shirtless since Midorina check on him. Midorima stand up and walk away, he opened the door.

"Please rest assured, don't leave until your bruises and scratch are healing nanodayo" Midorima leave the room, leaving the bluenette behind.

Outside the room, it was the Emperor who was waiting. "How's Tetsuya?" Akashi asked very coldly, "Your Highness he has 21 Injuries, for some reason, I knew that his head was almost crashed in a tree or something. If they didn't stop doing that for doing 21 Injuries, I'm sure that.. I'm sure that he'll die if Kagami didn't arrive." Midorima spoke, his eye's widened. Fear taken over his body.

It was no match for any other Demon's, it was the Emperor's anger.

Kagami who arrives, "I think I know where they live." Kagami spoken. "Most of All, I'm surprise" Kagami admitted, "Surprise about?" Akashi asked, even Midorima is confused.

"The Time I saw Kuroko shot a few arrows, I think Kuroko isn't just a human is working with the Kids. I saw how he struck the arrows and shoot, without any fail's and without any misses. It's like his Midorima your Highness but different, I saw those eye's is anger earlier but I was surprise that he can kill whenever he shoot his arrow, he take so many few shot's without any Fail's. " Kagami explained cut off.

"Oh?" The Emperor's only word's. Midorima and Kagami's eye's widened again, when they saw the Emperor smirk.

'Another interesting move from him, it seem's he start's to exceed's my expectation.'

That thought make the Emperor smirk wider and darker. "Taiga, tell me, who are They?" The Emperor asked Kagami. Kagami breath and start's to answer. Their's no hesitation of not telling it.

The Emperor suddenly command, "Eliminate them." Akashi command, Midorima and Kagami bowed. Blue and the Yellow Knight, are cheering. "Kagamicchi!!!! Good Thing your safe!!!" Kise hugged Kagami.

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