Chapter 19 (Final Chapter)

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------No One's Pov----

The Emperor saw the old man waving. He flew down and walk inside, he lay the bluenette at the couch.

"He need's to rest" Thd old. man smile, the Emperor saw the kid's crying because of earlier. The Emperor saw the bluenette sweating all over, Kuroko fall into a deep sleep.

The Emperor healed the bluenette. "It seems he need to Rest, your Highness" The old man sigh, Akashi looked at him and the bluenette.

"I should go back to clean the mess up, take care my Tetsuya for me" The Emperor smiled and disappered. The old man chuckled, "Oh My.. He really loves this boy" the old man smile.

'Such an acceptable love could be'


3 Day's Later.

Kuroko hasn't woken up yet. "Tetsu is not woking up yet?" Aomine asked, the old man nodded, Kagami had a broken arm. "Oh wow Kagamicchi, you really tried to Attack the Highness" Kise sweatdrop.

"Kagachin is an idiot.." Murasakibara said very lazily. Kagami sigh irritatedly, "Can you just shut up!" he had an irked mark, Murasakibara just whistle. Midorima sigh.

While at the room, the old man and the Emperor are watching the bluenette sleep.

The Emperor suddenly carried the bluenette in bridal, "It seem's we have to go." the Emperor spoke, he looked at his bluenette.

"Ehhhh!!" The kid's whined, "Kuroko San is not going to stay here!??" the kid's wanted to cry, the Emperor smile, "Oh we will, he can visit. Beside's, Tetsuya need to rest for now." Akashi chuckle, they heard that the bluenette was woking up in his deep sleep. Akashi smiled at the old man and walk out to the room.

"Ryouta, Shintarou, Taiga, Atsushi and Daiki, let's go now. We have don't have any plenty of time staying here" Akashi spoke. They nodded and finished their drink's.

The door opened on it's own, the Emperor fastly flew away, carrying his bluenette in his arm's. Akashi looked at the bluenette, the bluenette was opening his eye's. He need to hurry.

He fastly open the window into his room, he layed the bluenette on his bed. The castle was still getting fixed, he saw the bluenette woke up a little. "Tetsuya, are you alright?" Akashi asked very worriedly, the bluenette nodded slowly.

"How's everyone?.." Kuroko asked, Akashi smile, "They're okay" Akashi chuckle. The Emperor kissed the back of the bluenette's hand.

Kuroko smile in relief, the Emperor kissed the bluenette's forehead. "They'll bring some food for you, you need to eat" Akashi whisper, Kuroko nodded.

The Emperor stand up, he saw the bluenette rubbing his stomach, he knew the baby was very important to him. The Emperor smile secretly at the bluenette.


Night time arrives, Kuroko was eating dinner at the Emperor's room.

Akashi opened the door, "Tetsuya, are you feeling well?" the Emperor asked, he walk closer to the bed. Kuroko nodded his head, the bluenette liked the food.

Akashi sat the bed, and let the bluenette lean at his chest. Kuroko just looked at the door, the Emperor kissed the bluenette's neck and cheek. "Tetsuya.." Akashi called, Kuroko look back at him.

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