Chapter 16

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------No One's Pov-----

"Eh.. P-Pregnant...?"


Everybody screamed in surprise, except the Emperor who was very surprise that his eye's widened. He felt his heart skip a beat, when Midorima said that, he doesn't know what the feeling inside him.

It was happiness inside him, happiness that he will now make a Family with the bluenette. He felt so happy inside that he couldn't even say a word.

"Your Highness, I think Kuroko is now in a good condition, the bad new's is... Kuroko can't be in public. Whenever his tired, stress, the baby is not going to go well. He need to be far away from the people he hates.." Midorima spoke.

Kuroko look at him, "For now, Your Highness, Kuroko need's to sleep with you." Midorima look at the Emperor, Akashi nodded fastly. They all sweatdrop.

"I think I'll----" Kuroko was cut off, "No "But's" Kuroko nanodayo. The baby need's a father, Congratulation's, you'll make a Happy Family." Midorima spoke.

"YEYYYYYY!!!" Kise and Ogiwara cheered, Moimoi jumped and Murasakibara cheered very lazily.

"That's why.. Kuroko is holding his stomach, he was protecting it, without knowing.. he was Pregnant in your baby, Your Highness" Midorima spoke, Akashi nodded. "For now, his quite pale and need to sleep and rest. So the baby need to rest as well" Midorima added.

"Wait" They saw the bluenette standing up, "I just want my gandpa to know this, atleast let him know." Kuroko spoke.

"Wait Kuroko, you don't know yet, your baby is actually not a human your carrying. It's a Demon" Midorima spoke, "I actually don't care, even this baby is from different clan. His still my baby for some reason I need my grandpa atleast to know this." Kuroko spoke.

Midorima smile and mostly the Emperor. "Okay, fine then. But the Highness need's to come with you, if not.. the people might whisper again about you. You need to stay away from the people you hate or the baby your carrying might have a Problem" Midorima spoke, Kuroko nodded in understanding.

"We can come too" Kagami spoke, Aomine and the other's nodded. Kuroko smile and nodded. The Emperor suddenly walk infront of him, "Akashi Kun?" the bluenette's eye's widened when the Emperor carried him in bridal.

Akashi smile, "You need to rest. Our baby might got tired and the mother as well" Akashi chuckle. Kuroko had an irk mark and yet he has a soft blush.

Midorima adjust his glasses, "Kuroko rest assured, you can go tomorrow, the wedding has only 3 Days." Midorima spoke. "Now that you mention it.. I had a bad feeling about the wedding" Aomine spoke.

They all look at him, "Hard to say.. but something's been bothering me. Some two guy's is been sneaking on our Kingdom. Their selling some jewel's and stuff. I had a bad feeling about them" Aomine spoke.

"Don't think... about that.." Murasakibara yawned. "Yeah, Yeah" Aomine rubbed his nape. Kuroko look at them, "Just bring me to my Grandpa, atleast.. I want him to know" Kuroko spoke. "But I'm worried for Kirin and the other's.." Kuroko sigh. "Don't worry about it!" Kagami smile, Kise thumb's up and even Moimoi.

Kuroko smile at them. "Thank you, I need some rest for now." Kuroko sigh, the Emperor smiled, he saw the bluenette was already sleeping while he was holding his stomach. Akashi smiled, everybody has a tear's of joy.

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