Chapter 11

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--------No One's Pov-----

The Emperor look at the bluenette who is going inside, the bluenette's eye's widened, he saw those four demon wing's, the horn's and his deadly eye's.

He felt chill's down the spine. Kuroko couldn't make any word, "Uhm.. Are.. you alright? Akashi Kun?" Kuroko asked.

The Emperor couldn't look away to the blueette. Kuroko put the tray to the table. "Akashi Kun?" Kuroko kept calling his name, the Emperor heat is going too hot for him. He was sweating, whenever he look at the bluenette and whenever the bluenette call his name.

The Emperor's fang's was showing. The bluenette didn't felt any fear. Kuroko sat the bed and touches his forehead, that make the Emperor throb. He felt those warm palm on his forehead.

He look at the bluenette's rosy lip's. He look away, he gritted his teeth. "You.. don't have any fever.." Kuroko spoke. The Emperor's hand suddenly move shakenly to the bluenette.

Kuroko can see his flush face, he felt his hot breath. "Akashi Kun? Are you alright?" Kuroko asked more. "Tetsuya...." Akashi whisper, Kuroko didn't hear it too much.

"I almost forgot" Kuroko stand up, he saw the door was closing. He put some tea. "Here, have some" Kuroko sat at the edge of the bed. He  tried to gave it to the Emperor, the Emperor look at the bluenette's neck and rosy lip's.

"Tetsuya.." He whisper more that suddenly caresses his cheek. Kuroko felt the sharp claw's in his neck. It was stabbing on his bare skin.

"Akashi Kun, y-you need to control yourself, here have some------" Kuroko was cut off when the Emperor slap his hand that the tea got thrown away.

The bluenette's eye's widened. "A-Akashi.. Kun.. w-what's wrong with you?" Kuroko shutter.

He was going to touch the Emperor until the Emperor grabbed his wrist and lay the bluenette at the bed. "Snap out of it!" The bluenette yelled at him, he look at his wrist, his grip was too tight.

"Akashi Kun! Let go!" Kuroko yelled more. The Emperor's heat is getting stronger, Kuroko look at him, he felt his hot breath even his body.

'Is he... in heat?...'

The bluenette thought. "Akashi... Kun.. a-are you possibly.. i-in.. heat?" Kuroko whisper, the Emperor froze. Kuroko shake his wrist, "Can you please let.. go?" Kuroko plead to him.

The Emperor look down at him, he smirk widely. His been breathing so heavily, "I like how you begged for me, Tetsuya" those icy cold tone make the bluenette flinch.

Kuroko sweatdrop, "Just let me go" Kuroko shake his wrist strongly, he tried to move his leg's. But it was quite locked. "Akashi Kun please! Let me go!" Kuroko begged for him, Kuroko knew he was in a serious heat.

The bluenette tried to plead for more, he suddenly felt a tounge licking his side of the neck that the Emperor kissed his ear. Kuroko's eye's. windened, "W-What.. are you.. d-doing?" Kuroko shutter.

'Quite.. delicious' His been in heat. The Emperor has no choice. The Emperor haven't taste like these before, it was his Mate. The Mate that his been finding for a thousand of year's.

"Akashi Kun! Please-----" Kuroko was cut off by a sudden kiss, by the Emperor, he licked the bluenette's lips until the bluenette open his mouth. He put his tounge insjde it. The Emperor kissed him very deeply.

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