Chapter 15

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------No One's Pov-----

"What.. are you afraid of..?"

That question make the bluenette look up to him, "I.. I'm just.. afraid of what will happen to me.. I trembled because it wasn't my.. first time" the Emperor look at him, he caresses the bluenette's cheek's.

"That time.. I was called a "manwhore" when I had a new friend who left me, the word's.. spread all over. I was being seduce.." Kuroko kept telling the truth.

"I.. couldn't protect myself.."

'Stop.. it Tetsuya' Akashi thought very deeply.

"I don't know what to do.. they kept calling me that.. for a reason"

'I said.. Enough'

"I.. Don't know how.. I'm still a coward and afraid.. I-I----" Kuroko was cut off when he sense the Emperor's anger. "I said Enough!" Every mirror's and glass explode, he sense it to the whole room.

Akashi sat up and breathing heavily. Kuroko sat up, "Is.. their something wrong?.. Did I----" Kuroko wanted to asked but was cut off by the Emperor.

"I don't want to hear that word's again.. who say's your a "manwhore" Tetsuya. It make my blood boil." Akashi gripped to the pillow that the pillow explode. The wall's started to crack. 

'Is he.. worried?' Kuroko thought, "No, calm down.." Kuroko start's patting his head, "Don't worry about it, that was from the past" Kuroko spoke truthfully.

Akashi caresses his cheek that he leaned and kissed the bluenette's neck. The bluenette's skin was very smooth and delicate.

"Just forget about that.." Akashi whisper. 'Did he really care?' Kuroko thought, "Akashi Kun, their's slmething I wanted to asked for a long time.." Kuroko spoke.

Akashi looked at him, "And that is???" Akashi asked, "I've been wondering all the time, what's the reason for making me your Bride?" Kuroko asked in serious tone.

The Emperor layed the bluenette back in bed, "You'll know it very soon enough" the Emperor softly smirk.

The Emperor didn't hesitate anymore that he take off all the bluenette's clothes left. "Be more comfortable when your with me, your my Mate after all" Akashi whisper that he kissed the back of the bluenette's hand.

'Mate... that word's again.. he still never tell me about it..' Kuroko thought. Their in the bluenette's room and the bluenette know that. Kuroko didn't hesitate, the Emperor's touch to the bluenette is very smooth and soft.

Kuroko and Akashi softly kissed, the Emperor never hesitate to kissed the bluenette, their tounge touch. 'This touch that I never felt before...' Kuroko thought.

'So.. Warm'

Akashi raised the bluenette's leg's and touches his thigh's, he bite it really deeply, Kuroko felt really hurt. "T-That hurt's.. Can you just please stop biting me" Kuroko had an irk mark and a little bit irritated.

"No, if I will not bite you, they will not know where they belong. I bite you so they'll know that your Mine." The Emperor spoke very coldly that he put the bluenette's legs on his shoulder.

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