Chapter 1

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------No One's Pov------

This is the beginning of the Story. No limitation or hesitation.

He was no human, no hesitation of killing. Everyday their's blood and everyday their's death. Whenever he kill's, he never hesitate to any command, he was a King.

A Leader of a Clan's. A Demon that had anything of what he desire's the most. 5 Black Knight's he hold. At his hand's and one huge Kingdom. He hold the Kingdom in his hand.

The Emperor was sitting on his throne, looking at the 10 Maiden's. The Maiden's bowed. It was a gift from the Old Man, named, Furoshi Nikoji. Furoshi spoke in a serious tone.

"Your Highness, this is the gift in our village, please..
Choose a Bride"

That word's make the Emperor hummed, the man at the throne has a dark presence. Even the 5 Knight's kept quiet.

The King raised his arm's, Fushiro's eye's widened when he heard the scream's of the maiden's. 3 Maiden's left, the knight's killed them by splitting them in half and burning them.

"Y-Y-Your-----" Fushiro was cut off, "I don't have any intention having a Bride. If your going to offer me one, then give me what make's me interested in. If you still didn't give me that person that didn't give me interested in, then I'll eliminate you with those three maiden's of your's." The Demon King spoken.

Those very icy cold tone make him shiver. The word's of "Eliminate" that make him shiver down the spine.

The three maiden's shiver in fear that make them fall in their knee's. None of them want to be the bride of the heartless demon king. The King of their Kingdom.

They admit that his very handsome King, however he was a Demon. He has a Demon horn's and Dark wing's. The horn's and the wing's fade away. They saw that he was in his human form.

"W-Wait! Your H-Highness! W-W-Wait!" Fushiro shutter. The a dark Knight's are going to stop him until the Emperor look at him.

"I-I h-have s-s-something to offer! A-A person! A-A Human P-Person! His n-not a woman l-l-like them that h-has weak power's!" He suddenly shouted, telling the truth. "Oh?" Akashi hummed very coldly.

"A-Actually.. H-His really b-beautiful, unfortunately Y-your highness! A-Although.. I-It's a m-male!" Fushiro shouted, tried to tell the Emperor the truth. "Hmm.." He hummed.

A Male relationship from his Kingdom was different, unfortunately, Fushiro is giving the Emperor a Human Male. Not like the other maiden's that has weak ability or other techniques. Only a Human.

The Emperor think about it first, "A weak human? Are you fool?" When the Emperor asked that, it made him shiver. "N-No.. P-please.. G-G-Give this h-human.. a-a chance.. t-to be your p-perfect bride" Fushiro kneel and bowed.

The King look at him in his deadly gaze, "Alright, I'll give you until dawn only. If you still didn't arrive until dawn, your body will burn" The Emperor's claw's was showing. He snap his finger's, two dark knight's appear's.

Not one of the 5 Shallow Dark Knight's. Just a normal knight's. "Come along with him, if he lie, eliminate him." He command. Two knight's kneel and bow to their King. "Get me the Boy until dawn" He added.

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