Chapter 3

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------No One's Pov-----

Kuroko cough more, the Emperor hummed coldly. "It seem's... I-I'm not that good at joke's.." Kuroko whisper that it was enough to the Emperor to hear. Kuroko stand up, the bluenette look at him.

"Your too serious at joke's your highness." The bluenette look at him and walk passes, "Where do you think your going?" The Emperor asked.

"Uhm.. At the servant's room, I can sleep their. I can't sleep with you, Your Highness or maybe at the guest room" Kuroko spoke. The Emperor smirk.

"Follow me then" the Emperor chuckle, they go to the highest floor. The Emperor gave the bluenette a big huge neat room. It was clean, "Your Highness----" Kuroko was cut off.

"You've been calling me that lately. Why don't you just call me by my name?" He asked, the bluenette just sat on the bed, "I actually.. Don't know your name" Kuroko sweatdrop, the Emperor facepalm and sigh.

"I am Akashi Seijuro" The Emperor spoken, "It doesn't sound that you are Demon to me, you look like a human." The  bluenette look at him. The Emperor smirk, "Oh? Am I?" he asked, the bluenette nodded honestly.

"What name should I call you then? Your Highness, I'm just your Bride after all, nothing more. Maybe if we get married, maybe, you'll let go of me or make me free again" Kuroko look at the window.

The Emperor hummed, "You can just call me anything you want, your the chosen one after all." The Emperor smiled. Kuroko look at him, "Should have Demon's had horn's?" the bluenette stand up.

"I do have horn's." The Emperor spoke, "You do?" the bluenette asked. "Do I.. really like a human?" The Emperor asked, Kuroko nodded. The Emperor look at the book.

He suddenly felt finger's through his hair, the Emperor's eye's widened when the bluenette rubbing his head. "You don't have horn's." Kuroko touch, his hair and search for the horn's at the Emperor. This was the first time that someone touches his head before.

"Ah I'm sorry, Your Highness" Kuroko put down his hand's. He suddenly bowed respectfully. "Your still bowing? How funny you are. I'm your  future after all." The Emperor grinned.

"Are you sure your my future? Well.. It is possible that a Human and a demon can fell inlove. But I don't know what will happen about that." Kuroko closed the book.

The Emperor walk infront of the bluenette, "Your Highness, can I ask? Have you ever fallen inlove before?" Kuroko asked, "No, I have never." The Emperor spoke coldly, "I only know that it's called Desire's" The Emperor was still smirking that he walk infront of the bluenette.

"Have you? Tetsuya" The Emperor asked, "Well.. Almost, his really gentle and kind.. but he love someone else. He still my friend no matter what" Kuroko smiled.

"I never any experience any romance before or any kisses. Since I'm a male that only teaches.. kid's. Well, I'm quite surprise that you chose me as your Bride without any reason.." Kuroko explained.

The Emperor can see how serious he was, those eye's of the bluenette reflecting. "Your Highness?" Kuroko asked, the Emperor patted his head. That he slide down at his cheek.

Kuroko move his hand away, "Please don't, you might hurt me again." Kuroko spoke in a blank tone. The Emperor chuckle, "You still want to see the horn's?" The Emperor asked, Kuroko looked at him and nodded.

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