Chapter 10

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-----No One's Pov-----

It was exact night time, at the castle.

Kuroko was taking a shower, taking a bath. He wonder's about Kirin's tear's that night. 'I wonder... Why?' He sigh in frustration. But he didn't forget of what the Knight's do for him earlier. He felt a little bit happy.

Outside his room, the Emperor Knock. Kuroko didn't even answer, the Emperor was curious of what is he doing, he opened the door.

It was silence after that, he can see the bluenette's clothes was on the bed. He hummed softly, then someone suddenly opened the light's on. He suddenly turned around to see the bluenette, just wearing a towel in his waist.

"What are you doing here?" Kuroko asked, the Emperor didn't answer and look at the bluenette, he can see the bluenette walk pass him and sat on the bed.

"You shouldn't be here, you are busy with the Kingdom's you've been doing" Kuroko spoke. Akashi look at the bluenette, his been starring a lot.

"Akashi Kun?" Kuroko asked that make him blink two times. "Oh, yes. I'm not that---" Akashi felt something was off.

He was changing a little, "Akashi Kun? Are you okay?" Kuroko asked, Akashi smiled, "Yes, I'm fine. You do know that I never get sick. I'm a demon" Akashi chuckle.

"Okay.." Kuroko whisper,  "Are you worried?" the Emperor smirk. "Of course, I am. Since as your Friend, plus Bride. I can't let my Demon Friend get sick" Kuroko spoke.

"You do know that it hurt's calling me that" Akashi chuckle and going out to his room. "Good Night" The Emperor smiled and goes out to the room, Kuroko nodded.

By the time he goes out in his room, it was quite getting hotter for the Emperor. His breath is changing.

He normally walk away, every servant's bowed and notice the Emperor. Those horn's, those fang's. He hold into the wall's, the wall's suddenly had a scratch because of his claw's. He hummed.

'It seem's... It's going to start'


While Midorima was clearing many schedule at the Emperor's Desk at the Emperor's paper's. He heard the Emperor goes inside the office of his.

"Your Highness? Is their something----" Midorima was cut off when he felt it. That aura of the Heat. The heat of the Demon was rising all over.

'Why is it have to be.. now?' Akashi gritted hus teeth a little. Those demon horn's of his, those fang's and claws.

"Y-Your.. H-H-Highness. Y-You need to calm d-down!" Midorima yelled and goes to the Emperor. The Emperor spoke, "I am calm, just a little bit hot. That's all" Akashi spoke, his heat is getting tougher.

Midorima can tell that this is a huge problem for a devilish demon like him. The Emperor's heat is getting stronger every second.

"Y-Your Highness, it seems you need to Rest or should I call Kuroko to help you?" Midorima spoke, he flinch when he heard the bluenette's name. His breath suddenly being heavy, being hot.

He was sweating. He goes outside to his office. The Emperor was walking straightly to his room.

It was on the highest floor at the castle, the Demon's room. By the time he arrive, he closed the door and locked it. He gritted his teeth, he layed at his bed, his fang's is showing, those deadly wing's of his.

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