Chapter 5

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------No One's Pov----

The Emperor saw how happy is the bluenette, finding the book. He notice that someone is peeking them. The Emperor hummed so coldly.

The bluenette look at him, "Is their something wrong?" Kuroko asked, "Nothing's wrong. Pick a book" Akashi chuckle, he smirk that he can see how warm of the bluenette to him.

The Emperor raised his index finger, he hummed, as he snap his finger's. The shelf's suddenly start's to move on it's own, making huge maze in the library.

The bluenette's eye's widened, "What's going on? Is this one of your Demon trick's again?" Kuroko asked, "Indeed it is" Akashi chuckle that it even goes infront of the door.

While outside.

"Ehhh! I can't see!" Kise and Aomine whined, "Me neither!!" While Kagaimi still tried to opened the door and it was locked. Midodirma has his lucky item, the Key. He doesn't kniw that the huge bookshelf was infront of the door. He tried to opened.

'N-No.. Is.. Is my lucky Item b-broken!?' He thought in a panick. Murasakibara just yawned, not until they heard a voice. A woman's voice, "Oi Oi!!!!" she has pink hair and pink eye's.

She was a servant and the leader of it. She was no ordinary maid. "Moimoicchii!!!" Kise whined, her name was Moimoi Satsuki. Moimok grab all of their ear's.

"Start's guarding! Don't took a single peek on the library 'cause their's nothing in it!" Moimoi shouted and grab their ear's that they dragged them away.

Back to Kuroko and Akashi, inside rhe library.

The Emperor hummed softly, he saw the bkuenette, bringing some book's everywhere.

"I actually read this for the kid's. But it seem's I'll miss them if I didn't saw them again" The bluenette word's was quite down and his tone is really a little bit sad. The Demon Emperor look at the bluenette. His demon horn's didn't fade away.

"But, It's okay, maybe I can----" Kuroko was cut off when the Emperor caresses his cheeks. "Akashi.. Kun??" Kuroko asked him in confusedment.

"You can go with them whenever you want, in exchange. Taiga or Daiki will always be with you" Thd Emperor smiled, "I'm not a Prince that always need protection, I------" Kuroko was cut off again when the Emperor's index finger is infront of his lip's.

"Tetsuya, your not a Prince nor a Villager in my Kingdom. Your the Empress and My..Queen" Akashi spoke, "I.. what?.. Queen? Empress? I'm not a female.. or even a woman" Kuroko spoken.

Akashi chuckle, "How innocent you are right now" the Emperor lift his chin. "Your not that bad to be a Queen or Empress of Mine" The Emperor chuckle. Kuroko notice those fang's of the Emperor.

"You have fang's, are you a Vampire?" Kuroko suddenly asked, changing the subject. "No, why would I be a vampire?? I'm a Demon" Akashi answered his question.

"I see.. I thought your a vampire, your horn's disappeared" Kuroko touches his head, "Yes, I know" the Emperor smile.

He suddenly saw the bluenette, smiling at the book. "If I can read this to the Kid's, maybe their be happy" Kuroko smiled at the Emperor. No one had done that to the Emperor before.

That warm smile with no fear. The Emperor couldn't look away at that smile, he suddenly caresses the bluenette's cheek's and start's to lean. The bluenette felt something crashed on his lip's  His eye's widened when it was the Emperor.

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