Chapter 8

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-----No One's Pov---

It was silence at that question.

The bluenette was just looking at the Emperor. "I don't actually know what your talking about, but as a Friend or your future Bride whatever.. Maybe atleast I can try" That bluenette spoke, the Emperor smirk widely.

"My future Bride has a good decision to make" The Emperor smirk. He put down the bluenette slowly, Kuroko start's to walk away.

"It's getting late, we need to go." The bluenette spoke. Akashi chuckle. The way bluenette grabbed his clothes, Akashi smirked, when he saw the bluenette start's dressing.

The Emperor goes out of the water and put some  clothes on. He walk to the bluenettte, when the bluenette accidentaly let go of his old coat, the jacket float's and it's in the Emperor's hand's.

The Emperor opened it for him, the bluenette turned around and the Emperor put it in to him slowly, thar his hand's are now infront of the bluenette's chest.

Kuroko look up to him, the Emperor slowly let go and still looking at the bluenette who is fixing his wet hair since it was messy.

He look at the bluenette's nape and waist until hip's. Akashi had to admit that he the bluenette had a very beautiful body of male, the sexy back of the bluenette, the waist and the thigh's.

Kuroko turned around to looked at him. The Emperor smirk. They heard a voice, "Your Highness! Tetsu Kun!! Let's go now!" Moimoi said happily, Kuroko nodded.

The Emperor nodded as well, he looked the bluenette in a second. "Let's go now." Kuroko's only word's came out from his mouth.

A few Minute's Later.

They're on their horses. "Oh wow Tetsu! That's the best hot spring I ever had!!!!" Aomine laugh, "Yes-ssu!!!!" Kise cheered.

Ogiwara and Moimoi nodded, "Tetsu Kun is the best!!!" Moimoi added. Midorima nodded a little.

The lazy giant yawned, "Kurochin is going to be the best.. if he give me snack's..." Murasakibara spoke very lazily with a soft smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't have much money to buy you a snack.. maybe some other time" Kuroko whisper, the Emperor look at him. The horses was just walking, they admit that Kuroko is really calm. Those blank face of him. They got out of the forest, the Knight's now at the Emperor.

Those horn's of the Emperor is showing, those deadly gaze of his is showing. The bluenette look at him, 'His horn's appear again... did he do it on purpose?..' Kuroko thought.

They goes in, the gate's was open and it was closing. The bluenette heard a voice of a child. It was crying.

"A child in late at Night?...." Kise spoke, they saw the bluenete goes down to his horse and ran away. "Ehhh! Kurokocchi!?? Where are you going!??" Kise shouted.

"Oi!! Kuroko! The castle is this way nanodayo!!" Midorima shouted as well, the Emperor hummed, they saw the child and the bluenette.

They go down to their horses. The child was hugging the bluenette, "Wait, what are you doing? What are you doing in a late night?" Kuroko asked, "B-Because.. Y-you've.. been.. g-g-g-gone for.. a days!" The child cried more. They heard more child.

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