Chapter 6

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-----No One's Pov----

Kuroko was walking beside Ogiwara, "By the way, I heard you shoot's arrow's, mind if I help fixing it??" Ogiwara asked with a smile on his lips. "Sure, I'll go get it" Kuroko smiled and put the sheet's down.

Ogiwara wait for the bluenette. While the bluenette was running, he saw the Emperor was talking in a very serious situation. He was with Midorima all the time.

The bluenette silently going to walk pass by, Midorima didn't saw him since he got his low presence, not until the Emperor knew about that.

"Tetsuya" The Emperor called, which make the bluenette flinch a little. "I'm just going to grab my arrow, your Highness" Kuroko spoken.

"Didn't I tell you that you can call me whatever you want? You can call me by my name" Akashi spoke in a very cold tone to command the bluenette. "Alright, Akashi Kun" Kuroko replied and he continuely run away.

"Your Highness, it seem's your letting him do what he want's." Midorima spoke, "I know, it's the best for him." Akashi smiled. Midorima suddenly asked, "Is it possible that his your mate???" that make the Emperor hummed.

"It's possible, is their any reason for me to choose a  nuissance? I choose him for other reason's, Shintarou. It's possible that he can be my only Mate." The Emperor chuckle with a smirk on his lip's.

"What about Mating Season your Highness? It's almost Mating Season of your's and yet you------" Midorima was cut off, "Shintarou, I can handle it myself." The Emperor spoke very coldly, "Tetsuya is here, I can handle it." The Emperor walk away. Midorima adjust his glasses.

"Yes, Your Highness. As you wish" Midorima bowed.


While at the bluenette, he grab his broken bow and arrows. He goes outside, he saw the Emperor's cold gaze. "What's wrong?" That make the Emperor look at precious bluenette, his Bride.

"Oh nothing, just wondering. Is my Bride having fun to have friend's with a servant??" The Emperor smirk, "Please don't call everybody a servant" Kuroko sigh.

"Your not that cold heartless person to me" Kuroko spoke, "Am I that cold?" Akashi asked in a curious tone.

"Yes, you are. Your cold and heartless, but your not that cold when your infront of me. Maybe just my imagination, Akashi Kun or should I call you, Your Highness" Kuroko bowed. Akashi chuckle, "That's quite funny of you, Tetsuya" the Emperor smile.

"Yes, it is funny. I think need to go now, my friend of mine is waiting." Kuroko smile and walk away while holding his bow and arrows.

The Emperor watch the figure run away, Akashi chuckle, "Such a funny future Bride that I have" the Emperor sigh and look at the sky.

'The wedding is near, mostly the problem is my Mating Season, I should finish it soon'


Ogiwara was waiting at the garden. The bluenette arrive's, Kuroko start's to breath heavily. Ogiwara smile, the bluenette and Ogiwara sat at the grass and start's making a bow and a arrow.

They start making some. "Are you really his Bride?" Ogiwara asked while making an arrow, "Yes, he chooses me as his Bride, I actually don't know why but I don't mind it, his not that heartless. His just hiding his Kind side, I guess" Kuroko chuckle.

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