Chapter 33 [Reader-Chan]

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"Ciao cugino. I'm surprised to see you here. You never did show up to our family's parties." The blond said. "Are you finally doing what a Due does?"

"I didn't want to be glared at for no reason..." Feliciano said. "And I'm not a Due, cousin! I could never be a Due!"

The blond—that you now knew was Feliciano's cousin—finally looked at Feliciano's face. Anger clearly presented on his own. Feliciano's cousin started to shout at him. From the corner of your eye, you noticed that Sadiq was looking at you, shaking his head. He wanted you to leave before they saw you.

You also saw him glance at Matthew with suspicion. You wished that you could tell him that he was on your side. Another conversation between you two will have to wait. Especially now.

"Bugie! Lies! Your Nonno killed mine! You supported a murder, just like a Due!"

"It was accidental! Avoidable even! He was a good man—better than your grandfather! It wasn't my Nonno's fault, he never meant any harm! He was provoked! But your brother killed him on purpose! And it was praised! If anyone is a Due for supporting murder, then it's you! It's you and your whole side of the family!" Feliciano screamed. His voice was starting to sound like yours did, forced and scared. His emotions must have been strong.

A small "hmph" from his cousin made Feliciano go silent. After a second, he still tried to continue on speaking even though it was difficult.

"Cugino," he sighed, "I don't want to fight; I want to be civil. I know that you and Luciano must be behind this event. So please listen to me and stop! Flavio, stop! You're scaring and harming innocent people and hybrids! Doesn't that make you feel any guilt? Any sin or shame?"

Feliciano's cousin replied immediately, not giving the questions much thought. "No. Why would it? I don't..." His voice trailed off. It was then that you realized that he was suddenly looking at you instead of Feliciano. Though his facial expression hardly changed, you could tell that he recognized you from earlier. The conversation immediately started to shift. "How is your hybrid, Feli?"

"M-My hybrid...? How did you know that I have one?" Feliciano was caught off guard by the sudden topic change.

"Oh, I don't know..." His arm moved slowly as he reached for something on his side. You watched in fear as he held out what appeared to be a gun. It was purposely aimed in your direction. "Just a guess."

Sadiq broke his silence and screamed in the air. He wanted to protect you from whatever his human was going to do. Even if it meant his own demise.

"[Name], run!"

Everyone except Flavio and you were surprised by Sadiq being able to speak. It served as a great distraction. You already knew that Sadiq was just like you. He came from the same dimension as you; He was a hybrid that you grew up with. But you were confused as to why the blond appeared angry instead of surprised or accustomed to the fact. Either way, he still wasn't immune to the main reason why Sadiq shouted.

"Zitto, ibrido (Shut up, hybrid)!" Sadiq was face to face with Flavio. Flavio whispered to Sadiq, "vorrei poterti ferire. Ma ora sono capace solo di minacce vuote."

With Feliciano's cousin distracted for a second, you started to run. It didn't matter which direction you were going now. All that mattered was leaving the area where the danger was.

You ran. You forced yourself to move and ran. You have no idea what type of family drama you witnessed, but being apart of it would be dangerous. Feliciano was related to a killer—a few killers it seemed. Was he like that too? If he wanted to, would he kill you as well? You hated yourself for starting to trust him. He clearly isn't trust worthy or safe at all. He was playing you, and you fell victim to it. Feliciano probably wanted to keep you as a living toy. You needed to get out of here and away from him; You needed to get away from the humans.

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