Chapter 3 [Reader-Chan]

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There were voices around you but you didn't care to much about them. You were in a state of slumber and being awake. A strange in-between. The voices weren't comprehendible, but you felt like they were important. Other than voices, you felt movement around yourself. Like you were being transported. Eventually the disruption of your sleep got too much to bear, you had to wake up.

However, you jumped at your surroundings when you woke up. You were in some type of fancy apartment. (The closeup city view from a balcony was enough to prove that this was an expensive apartment.) This wasn't your home. Nor was it Hercules'. Where were you?

You also noticed that you were laying on a single blanket that looked like a yoga mat. (Which was at least a little bit comfortable.) And next to you was a box that was on its side. There were a couple of toys on the blanket mat too. But the toys looked like they were meant for a real cat or a really young Neko. You tried ignoring the toys, but they just looked so comforting. And they looked like a lot of fun! Yet, you kept your instincts under control.

With shaking legs, you stood up and rubbed your eyes. Once the sleepiness left your body you looked around your surroundings. You were in a living room that was clean (minus a few bags lying by the door). And it looked big. This one room was probably the size of your entire apartment.

You walked slowly to the balcony. It was high up from the ground, causing you to shake a little. It wasn't the height that scared you, (unless it was), it was (also) how long of a fall it would be if you tripped or fell. Plus, what if you tried to escape by climbing? You didn't want to go that way...

Once you made sure no one was bothered by the closing of the balcony door, you managed to explore the rest of the home. You found a flight of stairs and determined that this was a duplex. A two-floor apartment. You deemed the next floor up to be unsafe unless the first floor was thoroughly checked.

A hallway caught your attention. It was on the first floor and you wondered if it housed the master bedrooms. Still, you never know what type of people live here. But before you made any actions to move, there was a coffee table close by with a thick book on it that intrigued you more. As you reached to grab it, you couldn't ignore the title. "Hybrid Care: The Basics." The hell?

If the title wasn't enough to grab your attention, the cover photo might. On the cover was a photo of a dog hybrid. His head was being petted by a human. And, from the looks of it, he was accepting the affection.

With your hands, you skimmed through the whole book. You ended up finding a chart that you know you recognize. It was the features chart. Every hybrid who went to some type of schooling system has seen, or at least, heard about it.

Basically, it was a chart that showed the different types of hybrids. There are four categories: Winged Hybrids, Aquatic Hybrids, Full-Body Hybrids, and Half Hybrids.

Winged hybrids obviously had wings and flew. Aquatic hybrids were hybrids that were meant for life underwater. They often weren't seen on land, and they could breathe underwater. Full-Body hybrids were, well, full-body. Think of a centaur. They had a top half that was similar to other hybrids, but below their torsos was the body of an animal. Lastly, are the Half Hybrids. You fell into this category.

Half Hybrids made up most of the population back in your world. Nekos, Inus, and other types of hybrids were examples. Half Hybrids had ears, tails, and other characteristics of animals, but had the same features of the rest of the hybrids.

Other than the features chart, you weren't surprised by most of the information. In fact, it worked in your dimension too! But not to make other hybrids pets.

Eventually you found a chapter dedicated to Nekos. With curiosity, you decided to read some it. Boy, were you concerned. There are some things in there that Nekos don't like to share with anyone who isn't a Neko. And they had some of those. They also got some traits of a Neko correct, too.

For one thing, the book had the fact about how Nekos behave childishly to get what they want. You guiltily looked from side to side. Well... That is sort of true. You thought. The book also had ways to deal with Nekos if they were acting up. 

The punishments they showed varied for you. The one about spraying them with water was hilarious to you. Sure, you were part cat, but you actually liked water! But you figured being sprayed was probably something you didn't like. Who wants to be sprayed with water?

Another punishment you were confused about was the one were Nekos were given less attention. As in no treats, no acknowledgement, and no affection. Honestly, you could care less. What if the person or people living here were total assholes? Hercules would come and get you soon anyways.

You grew tired of the hybrid care book and sighed. To semi-entertain your mind, you wandered around some more on the first floor. You finally made your way to the hallway. The hallway was a bit long, but was also short enough that it didn't seem like it was going on forever. All the doors were closed, so you didn't bother to go in any of them. Instead of going back to the living room, you wandered into the kitchen.

The kitchen was fairly sized and had a theme of blue going on with it. You noticed a table in the corner it also had a decorative table cloth on it that reached to the floor. But there was also three chairs surrounding the table. Were there two people living in this home? Maybe the third chair was for you. Or are there three people living here and they didn't have a chair for you yet? You didn't pay much attention to it. 

You also noticed how high up the cabinets were. In fact, you realized a lot of thing were bigger and heavier than they were back in your dimension. Were humans generally bigger than hybrids?

Your tail swished back and forth as you suddenly felt uneasy. Your sensitive hearing heard movement coming from the direction of the hallway. Someone was awake and coming out of their room. The footsteps got closer and closer. It wasn't long until you realized the owner of them seemed big.

In fear you did what came to your mind in a small amount of time: Hide. You quickly scurried out of the open and went underneath the table. Unfortunately, you weren't thinking about how big the table was underneath and had the ends of your tail sticking out. You tried to keep it still, but even with your best efforts it still moved a little.

It was just your luck as you hear the footsteps come into the kitchen. You heard a drink being made as the footsteps stopped. Yet, once the drink was done being made, the person or thing was walking towards your hiding spot. A noise of confusion was heard as a cup was placed down on the table overhead. Suddenly, a giant hand grabbed your tail and pulled you out causing you to scream.

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