Chapter 20 [Reader-Chan]

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Hybrida Avenue was just as you remembered: Busy, and full of humans and their hybrids.

You saw the clothing store Feliciano and Kiku took you the other day. A red haired Avian opened the door for their human. They both were smiling, like everything was perfect in their world. You watched the two go inside and wondered how they could be so happy.

You were a bit jealous, actually. It's been a while since you have experienced that level of joy. It's also been a while since you had someone to talk to. Like really, really talk to. Feliciano was alright, and Matthew and Alfred were alright as well. But you've only known them all for a week. You couldn't discuss gossip with them, like you can with your work friends. You couldn't talk about memories with them, like you could with Hercules. You couldn't even talk about the future with them because you didn't know how long you would be in this crazy, alternative dimension.

"Hey, [Name]. Do you know where we're going?" Alfred asked you.

Well, at least you weren't fully alone...

"No. This is only my second time here."

"Only your second time?" Matthew pitched in.

The two brothers exchanged a look. In their eyes, you were a strange hybrid. You couldn't blame them. It was the same way for you. They were the strange ones in your eyes. The things you found normal, they found strange. And vice versa.

"Hey! We're here!" Feliciano said. He stopped right in front of another store.

Matthew and Alfred both looked like they won the lottery. You saw their eyes light up. Blue and purple hues shone brightly.

"Dude! Iggy took me here once, and once only. This is where I got Tony!"

"Papa Francis takes me here whenever I behave well. This is where he gave me Mr. Kumandorro!"

"It's Kumajirou, dude. You can't even remember the bear's name..." Alfred said monotonously.

You looked up at the sign. You were very confused. It was a toy store. Why would Alfred and Matthew be excited about a toy store? They really did seem like children. You could see why Feliciano treats you certain ways. But he had to realize that you were different. After all, you weren't the one who bolted inside.

"No! Wait! Fermare! Stop!" Feliciano chased after them, leaving you behind. He disappeared into the store while you still stood outside the entrance.

Being alone in the apartment felt weird. Being alone in public felt even weirder. Every time you were by yourself, you always had strange experiences. Meeting Alfred and Matthew was strange. It was the first time you met another hybrid from this world. Learning about their view on the world was quite shocking. Then there was the time you met a guy at this plaza. Well... You didn't exactly see his face. Or meet, meet him for that matter. You just know that what happened was bizarre.

You took in some air. God knows what you would see in there. You tried to mentally prepare yourself for when you go in. A second passed. After that ended, that's when you actually headed inside.

You searched for Feliciano and the brothers. You walked around and through the different aisles. The different aisles appeared to hold separate items for every hybrid. You were in the aisle that had stuff meant for feline hybrids, ironically enough. Everything was neatly organized, saved for a few bells that fell off a stick.

You had no idea why hybrids here were given toys meant for children in your dimension. Were hybrids here consider not smart? That was a possibility. None of the hybrids here seemed to have the basic education you did. They didn't even seem to have the same discipline as you. Could that be why they acted the way they did? As young children and teens? Or could this dimension have different properties to it? Ones that didn't allow hybrids to understand or develop the same?

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