Chapter 8 [Reader-Chan]

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Inside was a bounty of various junk foods. A TV was at the far back with some kind of console that was connected to it. Comic books littered the floor along with trash and used games. The main thing that had your attention was the boy playing video games on a couch in the back. And he didn't even notice you.

He was an Inu, and was also blonde. A strand of hair was out of place on his side. He reminded you of a golden retriever. The shiny yellow, a tail wagging furiously, and the ever-so recognizable droopy ears.

You walked up to him slowly and tapped his shoulder. A startled reaction came from him as he dropped the handheld console. "Excuse me, who are you?" You said. You were debating on whether or not you should return to the previous room.

"Dude, I could ask you the same thing!" Suddenly, his nose began to twitch. He began picking up your scent. "Whoa, your scent is different than mine; Like really different! I have a brother who's also an Inu, but his scent is really similar to mine. Yours is like smelling something totally unique and special!"

"Thanks?" No one has ever said anything about your scent when you first meet them. But then again, hybrids here weren't raised like you. Your eyes scanned the area. It was kind of a habit of yours that you were developing. "So, I'm [Name]. Who are you?"

"Alfred! Eyebrows back in there named me!" Eyebrows? Who is-Oh!

"Do you mean Dr. Kirkland?" A blank expression was Alfred's face for a few moments. Laughter soon followed. A lot of laughter. His face didn't even try to hold it in.

"Ha-ha-ha!" His tail wagged faster now at a more noticeable rhythm. "Dude! Why would I refer to him so formally?" Alfred's index finger was pointed at his head. "If he can't understand us, why treat him so nicely? Sure, hugs get treats and affection and affection feels nice, but do I care?" He looked up at the ceiling and then back to you and smiled with his teeth proudly showing. "Nope~!"

"So, you're telling me, what? That you can cuss him out or insult him and you and him are fine with that because he can't understand you?"

"Bingo~!" Said Alfred cheerfully. "Honestly, you're the strangest hybrid I've met, and I've met all of my owners new clients! Ha!" His bounty of energy faded to a more calm state of being. Once again he spoke, "So, what type hybrid are you?"

His question surprised you. Does he honestly not know? You thought. "I'm a Neko. A feline Half hybrid. So you've never seen a hybrid like me?" He shook his head.

"No. I've met feline hybrids, but they were hybrids of big cats, like jaguars and snow leopards. And they acted snobbish. Thankfully you don't seem like that!" Alfred's eyes locked on to your neck. His attitude shifted again from calm to on the alert. He also seemed to be wanting to move more now.

"What's wrong? It's like you've spotted a ghost." While he did react to that, it was obvious that wasn't it.

"No... It's just... Your collar..." He pointed at the accessory that was hanging on your neck. "Only hybrids that are crazy wear it. But wild hybrids wear it when they're first captured, too. In other words, it's a sign that you're a danger. Dude... Are you still wild?"

Wild? You could've sworn you have heard that phrase before somewhere. But at the same time, you didn't understand it. "What's a wild hybrid?"

"A wild hybrid is-" Alfred's words were cut off as the door to the room opened. The doctor and your owners walked in. The three that were responsible for you seemed the same as they've always been. But Alfred's owner looked rather annoyed.

"Alfred! You slob! And in front of another patient, too! Get off the couch!" You could hear Alfred groan as the Brit started chewing him out.

"Dude, I don't care about cleanliness like you! I'll clean it up later!" He sighed. "I wish you could understand me..."

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