Chapter 22 [Reader-Chan]

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Alfred stared at you. It was like he was studying you, looking for the right words to say. He finally managed to get something out.

"Was that your first time?" Alfred asked.


"Your first time—meeting a human like that, I mean. One that wanted to harm you." He specified.

"Oh. Kind of, but not really. Last time I came here... Well, there was this one guy who bothered me. But he wasn't as crazy as the person today." You said. "I don't think the first guy was trying to harm me. He just freaked me out."

Alfred nodded his head. He was thinking about something. He eyes were still calculating you. The blue-eyed Inu looked like he was having a debate inside his head.

"I see." He replied. Alfred turned away for a second, then he looked back at you. "You're lucky then. My first time was when I was little. We didn't always live with Francis and Arthur, you know. We were once in the care of others."

"Really? I had no idea. What... What happened, if you don't mind me asking? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..."

"No, I'll tell you. You look like you could keep a secret." He smiled. But that smile faded away as sadness flooded in. As memories flooded in. "I don't think Mattie even remembers. Or if he wants to remember. We were really young. But, before having an owner, me and Mattie were 'wild'. I didn't think we were wild, though. I thought we were independent; That we didn't need a human." Alfred sighed.

"Is that all?" You asked.

He shook his head. "I remember that we were captured by humans one day. A whole bunch. They... They weren't the best to us... Matt and I were often sore due to them. But we did manage to escape. They forgot to lock our cages that time. We saw our chance and we took it. We were alone together for a while after that."

"I'm sorry you had such a bad experience... I understand if you hate them now. But are all humans bad...? Do they all have bad intentions?" You questioned. You were worried for yourself.

"Well," he began again, "we did meet two new humans later on. I didn't trust them at first. I was too scared to. I did get a little violent sometimes because of that. Mattie, somehow, trusted them immediately. He said they were different, and he was right. They took care of us, they treated us like family." He paused again. "To answer your question, no. Not all humans are bad. There are some good ones out there. Don't let the negative experiences ruin that for you." Alfred said. He started to wrap up the conversation. "Anyways, that's how Matt and I met Eyebrows and Francis. It's not the best story. But it's mine and his."

He looked at your eyes. They were so different. He noticed how your ears didn't twitch as much as other hybrids here. They stayed still unless you were feeling a strong emotion. He observed how your tail only swayed when you were intrigued by something. It was like you were taught to control these things, to make them not move as much. You were a curious hybrid to Alfred.

So very different...

You being a modified human was one of the top explanations on Alfred's list. Yet, while it's cool, that may not be accurate or logical. Alfred wanted to know why you were different. What have you seen and experienced?

"What is it?"

"[Name], what's your story?"

Story? What does he mean by story? Is he talking about my life before meeting him and the humans? Well, he did just give me his backstory. Should I tell him mine? You wondered. If you told Alfred everything, he might not believe you. He might even mock you for what you would say. Why you even told Kiku and Feliciano was a mystery. Before telling Alfred anything, you needed to know what he wanted to hear.

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