Chapter 36.5 [Ludwig]

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From the driver's seat, Ludwig looked at you from the rear view mirror. He raised an eyebrow. He didn't think you were tired and didn't expect you to fall asleep. You must have been exhausted, both mentally and physically. He found your sleeping form pitiful, especially after the night's earlier events. A silent sigh left his mouth.

Perhaps there was even more to you and your story than he what he knew and what you were sharing. He also wondered if could help, despite possibly playing a negative role in said story. Ludwig took another glance at you before making sure all of his attention was back on the road. He could explore his thoughts later when he wasn't in control of a hazardous vehicle.

The apartment wasn't too far away. The street signs and the building's lights in the distance were indications of that. Ludwig pulled the car up to its usual spot and parked it. He turned off the car and pulled out the keys. He looked at you and noticed that you were still asleep.

"[Name]?" He whispered to you. "[Name]?"

His voice didn't make you stir at all. Ludwig was unsure about what to do. He didn't know whether or not to wake you, as he did not want to upset you any further, yet he also needed to get you out of the car. In the end, Ludwig made the decision to let you sleep. But that meant that he had to get you out of the car while you were asleep.

Ludwig braced himself for any sort of outburst you would have if you woke up. He exited the car with his keys and closed the car door as quietly as he could. He then opened up the door on the side where you were sitting. Ludwig tried once again to see if he could wake you. Albeit barely, you did acknowledge his presence this time. However, you fought the call of reality so that you could have a longer stay in your dreamworld.

The German reluctantly unbuckled your seatbelt. The action was weird for him, but he reminded himself that he was trying to help and that he would do the same sort of thing when his brother was passed-out drunk. He hesitated one more time before attempting to carry you. God, this was so weird and unusual for him. Even so, he managed to persevere and get you out of the car with you still sleeping.

He had you in his arms now. You were completely unaware of what was going on. Despite that though, you leaned into him, peaceful, oblivious bliss on your face as you did so. Ludwig's eyes blinked rapidly as he tensed up. He had to regain his hold on you as he almost lost his balance and dropped you. Was macht Sie...?!

Yeah, no, this is definitely much more different than carrying his drunken brother. Way different. He just wanted to get you and him inside the apartment. Although he was used to Feliciano's touchy behaviors, this was too much physical contact from someone he knew little about.

Ludwig walked over to the building's entrance. He unlocked the entrance door and headed inside. Instead of taking the stairs, he opted for the elevator instead. He had limited face-to-face communication with his neighbors. And because of the situation he was in at the moment with you, he was grateful no one was around. It's best not to give anyone the wrong idea.

The elevator soon came to a stop as it reached the apartment floor. The doors opened and Ludwig proceeded to exit from the elevator. He walked down the hall to the apartment he shared with his friends. He took out regular keys instead of a keycard. As soon as he unlocked the door a sigh left his mouth; A light push was all that was needed for the door to open. Upon opening the door, he found himself being approached by Kiku and Feliciano.

While Kiku was usually calm and collected, Ludwig noticed a slight change in his demeanor. His friend held his arms close to himself. Kiku nibbled on the inside of his lip and cheek, as well as appeared somewhat short of breath. Signs of worry in Kiku presented as minor, almost ignorable gestures; Ludwig never overlooked them, though.

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