Chapter 18 [Reader-Chan]

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Matthew scanned the area. You had no idea why, though. It kind of concerned you in a way. Eventually he finally spoke. His voice was quiet before, but now it's barely audible.

"I have a request..." He paused for a moment. "Please teach me how to talk to humans!" Matthew said rather quickly.

You saw a blush dust his cheeks. He covered his eyes with his hands. You were really confused. Teach? Teach him? Teach him to speak to humans? Why?

You wondered if he thought you learned that skill. Boy was he wrong. You still don't know why you have that skill. Or why humans understand only you. It could have been your upbringing. You remembered something you learned in school:

Hybrids used to be able speak to animals fluently. But over the years that ability dwindled away. Now certain hybrids can understand select words from their animal counterpart. Didn't someone mention that hybrids here could be trained to say certain words and phrases?

It's strange how similar, yet different these two dimensions are. Like a mirror; Exactly the same, just reversed.

"Excuse me?" You said with confusion. "I don't know why or how they understand me. But I definitely can't help you. Sorry."

He looked sad. You saw his white ears droop. His tail went between his legs.

"Oh... That's alright..." He said.

"Why do you even want to talk to humans? You don't seem to have a reason."

"It's kinda personal... You see, I always get touched by strangers and people I barely know. It's... Annoying in a way... And they never seem to notice my discomfort. I thought that if I could speak to them, they might leave me alone."

So... He's not all that bad? You wondered.

"But you helped drug me?"


I didn't mean to say it out loud! How embarrassing...

"Sorry! Sorry! I was just thinking out loud..." Hopefully he doesn't take offense to that.

"Are you talking about the hospital? You seemed nervous and angered. I just wanted to make things easier for you. It seemed like your first time. Papa Francis let's me grow things that would help calm hybrids down. He says it's beneficial for him. It's nice that I can help!" He beamed. Matthew looked proud.

There were a couple questioning aspects in his words. One, he referred to his owner as his parent. Two, he could tell it was your first time there, or just your first time in that sort of situation. And three, he seemed proud that he was helpful; Which made you wonder if he suffers from low self esteem, or is often neglected or forgotten by his family/friends.

You felt like guilt was the only emotion you felt at all today. Guilty about running off. Guilty about hurting people's feelings. Guilty about the fact that you probably judged Matthew way too quickly. He isn't a bad guy. You thought. He's probably just misunderstood. And I also help added that on some more...

"So what's the deal with the hospital? What about you and Alfred's relationship with the doctors there? Also, why did you appear almost embarrassed about asking me about speaking with humans?" You went on and on.

Feliciano was really the only person you talked to now. And he didn't have the perspective Matthew has. You weren't close enough with Kiku, and you most certainly did not get along with Ludwig. Poor Matthew tried to keep up with each question you asked. But at least he listened and responded with actual answers.

"Well... I guess it's a hospital for hybrids?" He shrugged. "Also, Alfred and I are biological brothers. Arthur and Papa Francis are next door neighbors, and our owners, so we always spend time together. And... I was nervous about asking you about... You know... Because I was worried that Alfred was going to make fun of me for it. He sees humans as creatures you can mess with. Alfred often toys with Arthur, not that Arthur knows. He thinks it's weird that I like them... Other hybrids do as well..." Matthew answered.

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