Chapter 1 [Reader-Chan]

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While trying to arrive on time and getting some sleep, you caught a shuttle and skipped breakfast. As you stepped off the bus and walked to building, Hercules greeted you with doughnuts and a cup of [Favorite Drink].

"Thanks Hercules. I accidentally skipped breakfast this morning!" You said.

"It isn't a problem, [Name]. Breakfast is very important." The Greek responded. "Would you like to come in now?"

"Sure!" The inside of the building looked like a regular hospital. Only there were no medical emergencies happening. It was a bit of a maze to you, but your fellow neko friend handled it like a pro. Well, he has to. He works here. You thought. It would be bad if he of all people got lost.

Eventually he lead you to his work space. The was a motivational cat poster on the wall to your left. An amusing phrase of "Hang in there!". There was also a real living cat sleeping on his chair.

"Hercules, who is this?" Did he really get another cat? This is like, the tenth cat! You thought.

"That's... Bob?" He said quite uncertain. You glared at him.

"Really now? I hope he was always here and not new. My goodness, Hercules. What are we going to do?"

"We could get ready with what I'm about to show you?" That works too.

You wanted to make a comeback but your curiosity got the better of you. Curiosity killed the cat. And satisfaction brought it back. "I'm listening. So, what is it exactly? Or what happened?" You moved over to the cat on the chair and began to rub its belly.

Hercules saw this and his mind changed its path on the way on what he was going to say. "I'm a big cat. Why don't you scratch my belly?"

What the-? It was really random. "Umm... I'm going to go with no. Please continue with what you were going to do originally." He shrugged and proceeded to continue.

"Very well." He said. Hercules had weird humor. What exactly are his fantasies? You really didn't want to know that much about your friend. "You know how you like humans so much?" You lit up with excitement. Humans?

"Yeah...?" You said. You wondered if he was fooling around or not. It was hard to tell. Especially with his weird humor and interests. Not to mention his voice sounds like he's always tired.

"Well, I was looking for a dimension full of cats or any other dimension in general to see if parallel dimensions exist. And I came across something unusual." Hercules moved towards a computer with a speaker attached to it and pressed a button. High pitched noises flowed through.

You covered your ears because they were irritated and the noise was painful thanks to your sensitive hearing. Hercules reacted in a similar way, but he was used to these sounds so they didn't hurt as much to him. What in the actual name of earth?

"OK, Hercules. What the heck was that?" Your ears were flattened and facing backwards, showing your dissatisfaction. You were not happy.

"It was a sound another dimension gave off. It's very different from the sounds our dimension makes. Would you like me to play that one for you?"

"Nope! I'm good!" You sighed. "Anyways, what were going at when you were talking about humans?" You asked.

His face lit up in recognition. "Oh yes, that. I have seen to have found a dimension with them. You know, full of humans." One of your hands found its way towards your mouth and covered it. You didn't know what to think or say.

"Are you happy [Name]? I can't tell." Happy? Yes! You were happy. It's like one of your favorite fictional things or characters coming to life or something like that.

"I am happy Hercules! Wow, I didn't even know that this was possible! This really is a breakthrough in science!" You were really impressed! Hercules could use this discovery and become the century's most impressive scientists! Generations to come could be talking about him and his discoveries!

Hercules only shrugged at this suggestion as you questioned his sanity. This could help a lot of people! And there could be so many more types of dimensions out there! Antidotes for diseases could be discovered, new elements for the table and so much more! And what does he do? He shrugs it off like nothing.

"OK then. Hercules if that's all then I'm out of here. Bye!" He looked as if he forgot something that meant keeping a job or getting fired. You were almost out of the door before he called out to you.

"Wait! What if I tell you you could visit them?" This intrigued you. How could you not pass down an offer like this? Your curiosity got the best of you; You needed to know more!

"Visit? Like, in person? You can do that?!"

He seemed happy again once that he knew you weren't leaving and that you took interest in his work. "Yes I can, [Name]. But after a few more tests with my prototype-"

"Prototype? Cool! What is it?" You looked around his office room. Then you saw a door that probably lead somewhere else. "Is it in that door?" You asked excitedly.

"Yeah, but I wait until showing you. In a few months we can try it. I just want to-" He was interrupted as you sighed loudly before whining. You were used to other hybrids reacting in the same way, especially Nekos. In fact it seemed to be a common thing Nekos did.

"A few months?! But I want it now though! Ugh!" It was very similar to how a toddler would act if they didn't get what they wanted. You angrily collapsed on the floor with an annoyed Greek next to you. He rolled his eyes. He knew what you were trying to accomplish. He knew the certain tricks that feline hybrids had to get their way. Hell, he's pulled that card a few times. But he was having none of it now. In his job, safety came first.

"Please stop acting like a spoiled brat, [Name]. I just care about your safety. It is everyone's top priority here. And-" You both heard a crash. It came from a room across the hall. "Sadiq..." Hercules's ears were flattened back, similar to how your's were a few moments ago. You understood why Hercules was acting like this though.

Sadiq was the Turkish scientist across the hall from your Greek friend. Hercules hated him with a passion. Apparently, both men at one point in time got along together, but now they hate one another. (At least Hercules hates Sadiq. The other man didn't seem to do much harm now to your friend.) 

"Does the fool know how harmful he is in society?" Hercules ran his hand through his hair in annoyance. "I'll be back in a bit, [Name]. Sadiq is ruining something again. Please touch nothing." He left the room with you still on the floor with a face staring up at the ceiling.

You heard arguing from the other room. As you got up, you realized that Hercules would be in that room for a while. You decided to actually at least see what this "prototype" was. The door that lead to the invention's room was painted white and had an old fashioned key hole in it. You looked through it to get a glimpse as to what is behind there. But you could see nothing. It was probably covered up since most hybrids have night vision. (Including yourself.)

You shrugged it off as you opened the door. It was dark. But you could see your surrounds well. Hercules probably made it like this because Sadiq doesn't have good night vision. You thought. (Sadiq is an Akbash Inu. A type of dog hybrid.) You looked around some more before setting your eyes on the main attraction: Hercules's prototype that would take you to the dimension that was full of humans!

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