Chapter 17 [Reader-Chan]

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That was the first word that came to mind. You didn't know if it was because the apartment will be a full house tonight, or the fact that this was all so sudden. Or maybe it's because you're being forced to go to a gala you have no interest in attending. Not to mention that it'll be you with eight other men you barely know. This is beginning to sound like a plot for some cliché movie or book.

You didn't even know the first thing about a gala. All you know is that it's some stuffy event  for snobby rich people. Then again, isn't a gala a type of fundraiser? Maybe if you ask nice enough, you could sit this one out. Not all fundraisers are important.

Feliciano seemed to sense your uneasiness.

"It's not until tomorrow night. Don't fret about it. It's nighttime right now! For the rest off the night you can relax! And you apologized! It's might not erase what you did, but I feel so much better because of it!" He smiled and spoke quickly. His Italian accent laced almost every word.

The idea of relaxing now instead of worrying about tomorrow didn't quite sink in for you. How could you not worry? You don't know a thing about the high class life. What if you embarrass yourself and everyone else you went with?

A couple other, similar thoughts emerged from that one.

What about your outfit? You only had one dress that you found from when you went clothes shopping. And you didn't even get a good look at it. Where even were the clothes you bought?

Oh, weren't they put in Feliciano's room? Then they must be in the closet.

But what about where you'll sleep? You can't possibly be expected to sleep on that yoga mat. It was degrading, and it made you sore. Was it because they thought you shed? The only fur you had was on your ears and tail. You also don't even shed either!

You felt yourself getting riled up. To calm yourself down, you kept moving your hands over your tail. It was funny; You were petting yourself. At least you wouldn't be bothered about being touched.

You shifted your position so you could look at Feliciano. The Italian still had his eyes closed. A goofy smile was on his face. His feet were swinging back in forth off his side of the bed.

The only window in the room was open. You felt a breeze. He did too, since it moved his hair slightly. If there was good time to voice your questions and worries, this was it. It was now or never in this new and chaotic household.

"Um... Feliciano?"

"Hm? Yes?"

"Not to be rude or anything, but..." You paused, a little unsure with your words. "Why me? Why did you pick me? I know nothing about life like this. I can't live rich. I didn't grow up to be a pet. I don't even know the rules of your dimension!" A sigh came out of you. "All I seem to do is cause trouble for you and your roommates. Why keep me still? Why shop for me? Why help me find food that's edible for me? Why-?"

He stopped you.

"[Name], you're rambling." Feliciano said.

"Oh... Sorry about that." You could feel heat in your cheeks. "It's just... Why?"

Feliciano still didn't open his eyes. But he faced your direction. You could tell he was contemplating his answer. You didn't mean to ramble on. That wasn't what you were going to say originally. It just sort of slipped out. Finally, Feliciano gave you an answer.

"Well... I was lonely at first. We were also getting adapted to a new way of living. Kiku, Ludwig, and I went to school together. Once we all graduated, we pitched in to find jobs to pay for an apartment. Kiku tried medical work. I tried working at art places. And Ludwig went to the army for a bit... But then something happened. He still won't tell us what. However, he said he can't go back in the field because of it. His brother's new company also became a success around then. So Ludwig took over, which helped Kiku and me financially. We still live together even now. It's great! Yet..."

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