Chapter 25.5 [Sadiq]

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Sadiq was reminded of a bazaar, a type of marketplace. People shopped and walked. Sadiq noticed shops for clothes and a few restaurants with food. He also noticed something else: Hybrids seemed... Happy? How? Are they not here against their will? Were they drugged to act that way?

What is this madness?

"Ugh. I can't believe this was the only option I had." Flavio said. "Making something for you would have saved me from being here. But then I would have lost the day and most of the night..."

"What's your deal with being around people?"

"Oh, I don't mind being around people. I mind being around those who are not on the same level as me. I mean, I'm among the best. I deserve to be with others like me. Not," he made a gesture, "with these lowlifes."

So Flavio was a narcissistic snob. Good to know, then. Sadiq was surprised by how open he was about his opinions. Especially since they were surrounded by people who "are not on the same level" as Flavio. Sadiq didn't know if Flavio noticed or even cared about how he was perceived here.

Flavio was given a few glances and stares. Sadiq didn't blame them. He too would stare at whoever calls him a lowlife. Sadiq tried to keep close to Flavio. While he didn't completely trust him, Flavio was the only familiar figure in the area. From what he's seen so far, humans are terrifying, selfish creatures. He had no idea what these humans were like. They could be worse than what he's already experienced. Flavio was practically his only source of protection.

Sadiq hated how vulnerable and unimportant he was without Flavio.

Of course, he also hated the idea of acknowledging it.

He felt himself being bumped into a lot. He was much smaller than he normally was. That, or humans were just so big. Sadiq guessed that his shorter stature made him less noticeable, and more likely to be ignored.

Sadiq also felt the eyes of others staring at him. He felt like he was on display for the world to see. In reality, though, that was not the case completely. Yes, he was being stared at. But it wasn't due to any negative factors. For those stares were out of wonder and curiosity instead of hatred and disgust. Sadiq received the looks from both hybrids and humans alike. However, he couldn't tell which one was worse.

He (mostly) understood why the humans were looking at him like that. Him and Hercules were fed with the information that they were unnatural and rare by Luciano and his allies. Perhaps those weren't lies here after all...

But why were the other hybrids looking at him like that? Shouldn't he be equal to them at least? Sadiq tried to observe any differences between the other hybrids and him. So far, he really couldn't tell what it was. He really hoped he could figure it out soon, though.

Flavio grasped his arm tightly. Sadiq then felt himself being pulled into a store. He managed to catch a glimpse of the sign before it vanished from view. He knew he could have just waited and saw what the contents were inside. But he thought that seeing the store's name would better help him brace himself.

Unfortunately, that didn't help him at all. The name was no help. It was in a font that was too fancy for Sadiq to read. He couldn't make out any lettering. He would have to see what was in the store.

Sadiq kept his eyes closed. He didn't know what to expect and was scared of what he would see. Thinking of what could be there made his worries grow. Sadiq eventually decided to open his eyes. Seeing what was there would stop the ever growing fear in him.

He didn't prepare himself enough.

Sadiq was expecting some kind of hybrid torture that was entertainment for humans. But instead all he saw were clothes and shoes and accessories. This wasn't a horrible place for hybrids, it was a clothing store for hybrids. Yet, somehow, he still experienced shock. At least it wasn't a bad shock.

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