Chapter 11 [Reader-Chan]

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You were a little confused as to why these three owned one car, and why Ludwig was taking it. This also lead to more confusion as to how you, Kiku, and Feliciano were getting to this shopping area. But of course, they had a plan.

"Don't worry, [Name]. This is a city, remember? We'll just take the bus or subway!" You began to worry now. If they lived in an expensive house, owned one car, and had one person to help with income, Feliciano, Kiku, and Ludwig could be headed to bankruptcy. What would that mean for you? You could be the first to go! Fear struck you as you imagined being confined in a pet shop for the rest of your life.

Feliciano seemed to realize that you were worrying. "Please don't worry, [Name]. We all have jobs. We just have some that don't require us too much." Kiku nodded in agreement.

"Hai (Yes)."

A bright blue bus rolled up and opened its doors. From looking through the windows, you could see other hybrids onboard. Of course they were with their respective owner or owners.

To not cause worry or panic, Ludwig allowed you one day without your collar. It felt nice not having something on your neck. You wondered if Feliciano or Kiku begged for you to not have it on. Unlikely, but you never know...

You and your owners stepped on the bus. You looked for a seat that only you could sit in, but Feliciano had other ideas.

"Kiku! [Name]! We can sit here!" Said Feliciano. He pointed to three seats that were empty. You were placed in the center seat with Feliciano and Kiku on the other two. At first, it was unclear why they did that. You saw two Inus, who were uncomfortable with close contact from each other, growl and scratch and almost bite the other. That cleared up any questions you had for a while.

You don't remember how long the ride was. You just knew that you were in a very different area. A street sign read 'Hybrida Avenue'. Underneath the sign was another one that welcomed all hybrids and their owners.

Feliciano grabbed your hand and started pulling you along with him. Kiku wasn't far behind, he was just taking photos. Mainly photos of different outfits, foods, and other hybrids.

An apparel shop specially meant for hybrids was your first stop. You saw various outfits of different colors on the display outside. A little bell ringed as you and your owners walked inside. The scent of pine and cedar filled your nose as you gazed at all of the unique outfits.

There seems to be a style for every hybrid. Or every hybrid's owner... A pair of shoes caught your eye. They reminded you of the ones that were part of your uniform for work. Does the cafe still need you? You've been missing from your world for at least 24 hours now. You hoped that someone would notice that you're gone.

"Do you like those? Or these? Or this?" The Italian asked you question after question. You noticed how a weird curl on his head swayed back and forth as he faced every direction. Feliciano tried to find something that was similar to the outfit you arrived in. But at the same time, he was searching for something cute to put his pet in.

Kiku didn't really have a different goal. The Japanese man saw a kimono in the corner that looked like your size. It had a design of red and white koi fish that were swimming their way up the article of clothing. The aquamarine blue on it was a great choice to use as the main color.

He walked over to it and looked at the price tag. It was feasible and in his price range. Kiku took the kimono and went back to you and Feliciano.

You and Feliciano each had about half a dozen outfits in your hands. Most of them weren't even things you would wear in public. If anything, there were three things in your pile only that you liked. But Feliciano insisted that you wear all of the outfits that the two of you were carrying. At least there were pajamas in these piles.

"These all look like your size. Let's get all of them!"

"No! I don't even know how they'll feel! There has to be a changing room in this strange store..."

"Do you need la assistenza (assistance)?"

"Help? No! I'm grownup enough to not be supervised when changing..." You wandered about the store until you found a fitting room. There was one that had a couple stalls. Thankfully, they were all empty so you had your pick of the litter.

The pajamas were practically the only thing Feliciano picked out that you loved. They were so soft and were each [Favorite Color], just with different designs and patterns. You tried on a couple dresses and skirts, multiple pairs of pants and shirts, and one hoodie. The hoodie was something you picked out. To be honest, you wanted to wear this next time you go out.

There was only one dress you liked. You figured that you should have at least one dress while you were here. You grabbed what you wanted and left the dressing room. Half of the pants and shirts you tried on were left behind. You also took the pajamas Feliciano picked out.  The hoodie was on top of them as you walked out.

Feliciano and Kiku were waiting for you where you left them. You noticed that Kiku had something in his hand. You thought it was pretty as you tried to remember what it was called.

"This is a kimono, [Name]. Perhaps you can try it on?" Kiku offered. You gave Feliciano what you were OK with keeping and took what Kiku had. You headed back to the dressing room while your owners went to the register.

The kimono felt soft. You liked it. It was just the right size for you as well. The blue was pretty with the fish. Koi fish, if you recalled.

You did your best to see what you looked like from the back, but found that your neck didn't quite work like that. It got sore from you craning it in every which way. Instead of making the pain worse, you walked out of your stall (while holding Feliciano's clothes) and into the main walkway. The end of the walkway had mirrors that were angled.

Once you were satisfied, you walked back to were the clothes that you were originally wearing were. Except an unfamiliar hand rested on your head. The hand felt much bigger and was masculine. It petted your head and even touched your tail, something that was a very big no no with lots of hybrids.

"Pretty Neko. Such a kawaii Neko." You felt something scratch the back of your neck. "No collar... You must be werr behaved then. Kimono?" He touched the kimono you were wearing. "I think Furenchdoresu (French dresses) would look better on you than this." Your fur and skin crawled. This person was freaking you out. If you didn't know any better, you would've that this was Kiku.

"[Name]!" Feliciano calles out your name and you bolted to where he was. You swore you heard laughter come from the perv back in the fitting room.

In Feliciano's hands were bags that held your new clothes. He wondered why you looked so shaken up. You dismissed it, handed him his clothes and said you would walk out in the kimono. With a shrug he gave the cashier whatever was on the price tag and left with Kiku and you.

For the rest of the day, you were suspicious of anyone who came too close to you or tried to touch you. And this time, when given the choice to do something by yourself, you had Feliciano or Kiku wait outside for you.

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